Just a normal day

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It's night time and just like any other day. It's not a special day, but it feels special because I'm spending time with my love of my life, though just for a while.

Disclaimer: This is pure fiction that comes from my imagination and inspired from Sagang's IG posts


I'm at a convenience store when I feel a buzz in my pocket, coming from my smart phone. Taking it out, I smile upon seeing at the sender.

From: My love <3
Noona, I'm practicing at usual place today. Will you come over? :>

I send a text back saying I would be there in 15 minutes. Then I proceed to buy some snacks, chocolates and two banana milk.

Just when I arrive, I could hear music is playing inside the practice room. I peek inside through the see through glass on the door, eyes catching Sagang dancing to the music. He wears a black tee and training pants with a black cap and white shoes. For a moment, I get star-struck by his groove. He is so good at dancing. I almost drool over his broad shoulders honestly. So manly. After a few seconds, I get back to my sense and reach for the door, slide it opened and pop my head inside with a bright smile. Sagang, who's passionately practicing, stops his move and spins. His lips curve into a bright grin, with his rising cheeks, at the sight of me.

"Noona!" He calls out happily, running over to me as I take a step inside.

He wraps my whole torso into his arms, lifts me up and swirls our bodies. I let out a small scream as a result, telling him to put me down afterwards. Having his arms around me, he tightens his grip over me and gazes at me lovingly with his dark brown eyes. His giddy smile doesn't leave his lips. I look up at him, put my hands around his neck and grin. He's taller than me by several centimeters.

"You missed me?" I ask.

He nods rapidly and says, "A lot."

"Let's stay like this for a while," I suggest, dropping my arms from his neck to wrap them around his body, hugging him tight. I lean my head on his broad chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Am I not smelly? I mean, I'm practically still sweating right now," Sagang says, slightly worried.

"Uh no. I just smell you though," I tell.

Sagang lets out a hearty chuckle. He finds it amusing and is to his liking.

"Noona, are you that in love with me?" he asks curiously, anticipating the obvious answer.

I nod rapidly and happily reply, "Yup!"

"Wow, that's so quick," Sagang states proudly, evidently getting thrilled by my reply.

I grin and look up at him, meeting his eyes. "I love you that much."

"I love you a lot too, noona."

We settle down on the floor, leaning our back against the white wall, after 5 minutes of the affectionate hugging. He sits next to my left.

"What did you buy?" Sagang asks, looking into the plastic bag I brought.

"Some snacks for you," I answer, taking out the snacks one by one. "Also chocolates and banana milk for us! Bought one plus one."

"Banana milk!" He cheers at the sight of it. "Oh noona you remember~" he states, gives me a flirty wink and clicks his tongue.

"Of course I remember! You wooed me with these banana milk for goodness sake. So cheap yet so effective. I never really thought of dating a boy younger than me, but you happened," I tell, letting out a chuckle at the thought. "Amazing, really."

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