The Day I Met Him

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Y/N's POV:

It was a rainy Monday morning as I'm walking to school. It's a 15-minute walk to the school from my house. My mom said it was supposed to be sunny so I didn't bring a jacket or an umbrella.
I carry my black backpack over my head as I start to jog to school. I'm about 5 minutes away from the block the school is on as a truck drives through a puddle and splashes water all over me.

"Why does this always happen to me!?" I shout.

I walk the rest of the way to the school, not caring that I look like I just ran through a tornado. Before I step inside, I wring the water out of my clothes.

"What happened to you?!" My friend Minah questions loudly, running up to me as she drops her stuff on the floor.

"Nothing just the usual," I say, swirling my finger in the air.
"You mean like going to school, forgetting a jacket, and having a whole ocean splashed on you?" My friend shouts, grabbing all the attention of other students.

"Yeah sounds about right" I stupidly say, as I look around the hallway.

I see brightly mint-dyed hair from across the hall. It's a kid I've never seen here before. "Hey, Minah?" I ask.
"Yeah?" She replies, with a shallow breath. "Do you see the new kid?" "The one who looks like he is a god?" She whispers, staring at him.
It's like he could feel our laser-like gaze because he turned around seconds after and caught eye contact with me.

As he shows me a look of disgust across his face, he scoffs and turns back around to talk again with the receptionist at the front desk.

"I think, he saw us," Minah says pausing in between her words.

"You think!? Did you not see the way he looked at me? It was like he was throwing daggers at me with his eyeballs" I yell, not caring if anyone hears me.

Yoongi's POV:

I wake up at 6:45 a.m. I pull my black and white comforter off of my tired body as I sit up in my bed.

"Okay, I have to go to a new hell hole today" I sigh. I stand up and walk to my bathroom and take a 15-minute shower.

I dry and brush my hair and head out of my bathroom with a grey towel hanging tightly on my waist. I walk to my closet and throw my towel across the room onto my bed.

 I walk to my closet and throw my towel across the room onto my bed

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Yoongi's outfit for the day. ^

After I'm done getting ready, I grab my binder, backpack, and registration papers for the new school I'm going to.

I head downstairs to the kitchen, where I grab some toast. I start heading towards the front door and start walking to school at 7:25 a.m. it's a very cloudy morning. "It's probably going to rain soon" I whisper to myself.

Before I walk into the school, I feel the tiny droplets of water slowly falling out of the sky onto my pale face.

I jog into the building and slow down once I'm inside.
I head towards what I think is the front desk and hand my registration papers to the lady working there.

"Mr. Min. Please come with me to meet the principal" the lady says, standing up from her chair, walking, her high heels clicking on the floor. Her red jumpsuit fitting tightly around her waist and being cut in a V-shape at the top, showing slight cleavage, makes her look like someone who should work as a famous person's stylist, not some school receptionist.

I follow her to the principal's office. "have a seat Mr min" she says before she leaves. I sit down and look at the principal "hello Mr. mi-"I cut him off "Yoongi" I say emotionlessly "okay, Yoongi welcome to our high school. My name is Mr. Park, I will have our best student show you around, her name is Y/n. I will get your schedule and you will be on your way" he Announces as he uses hand gestures to tell me to go outside.

I hear the sound of the announcements come on as I hear "Kim Y/n, may you please come to the principal's office." I guess she's gonna show me around now. I hear the bell ring as I assume that must be the bell that indicates there are only a few minutes till class ends.

It's been about 10 minutes and I'm still waiting for this girl! I could be at home taking a nap right now! I see a girl with medium-length brown hair soaked in water. Is it still raining?

I hear another bell ring and look up to see students coming out of their classrooms. "I will tell the principal that Y/n is here, he'll tell her to come here shortly" I jump as I hear the receptionist speak. "Oh I'm sorry, did I scare you?" She says chuckling. "No," I said embarrassedly. "Do you think Y/n will be here soon so I can get this over with?" I ask annoyed. "She's already here Yoongi she was just at her locker," she says rolling her eyes. "sorry" I sarcastically speak.

I feel as if someone is staring at me so I turn around. I see the same drenched girl from earlier and someone who I assume is her friend. I give her a look of disgust as I tell her I'm not interested in her. I scoff as she and her friend are still staring at me. I turn around to speak once again with the receptionist, but she isn't standing there anymore.

The sound of the announcements soon chirps on and I hear Mr. Park say "Kim Y/n, please report to the principal's office" once again.

I see the drenched girl walk up to the principal's office, and knock on his door. Mr. Park opens the door and his eyes widen. "Oh Y/n our most prized student. I have a task for you" he says happily.

So this is Y/n? One of the best students huh? Okay, I'll have some fun with this.

"Yes, what will it be Mr. Park?" she says with a smile, but you can tell she's annoyed.

"Come on, you can call me dad," Mr. Park said sadly. "But I won't" Y/n rudely replies.

"Okay fine, anyways, your task is to show this new student around the school," Mr. Park says pointing at me. "His name is-" I cut him off. I can introduce myself. "Yoongi, my name is Yoongi" I scoff.

"Do you guys know each other?" Mr. Park questions. "No, we don't we just met" Y/n scoffs, turning around in embarrassment.

"Okay well, here's Yoongis schedule. Please make sure he gets to the right classes Y/n" Mr. Park says, handing my papers over to Y/n. "If you will, I have some paperwork to do," Mr. Park says as he walks back into his office shutting the door behind him.

"What period is it?" I ask Y/n.
"I just got here, but at least I know it's the second period" she scoffs, rolling her eyes. "You know what, I don't even know why I bother trying to talk to you when you and your friend were just over there checking me out" I raise my voice as I stop to look at her.

"I was not" Y/n shouts as a slight shade of pink crosses her face. "You're blushing! Obviously, you're lying!" I shout. Oh my god, I'm losing my cool with this girl. "Just show me to my classes so we don't have to meet again" I grumble as I cross my arms.

"I couldn't agree more," Y/n says, gripping the paper in her hands as she starts to walk faster to our destination.

*authors note*

It's 1329 words. I hope you guys like this story. ☺

(*hitachiin_fujioka) This is a copy of my story from my account.

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