''Chapter 1

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''It was one October night on the 22nd when a serial killer broke into the house and strangled mom.'' As dad heard her squeaky soft voice he ran to the main room aka liveringroom to save mom but got shot. As the bullet went through his enormous chest he shot mom and ran away. I came downstairs and saw mom and dad's body on the floor. I cried helplessly and depressed. I went and got the house phone and called 911 immediately. I sobbed so much it was really hard to speak and explain to the cops what happend. The arrived thirty minutes later but that wasn't the worst part. I thought if mom and dad are dead what will happe to the house? I read a book about this and it was... "FOSTER HOME.'' I fell to my knees and cried till I couldn't no more. THe cops told me to go pack and I did. I brung my belongings such as toys, clothes, tothbrushes, and my phone. Dad had bought this before he died and I would be darn if I left this in this house that is soon to be sold. I got into the police back seat and thought of good times with mom and dad like that time we went to the beach, six flags, and even my first time traveling. I started to smile then two minutes later that smile turned into tears. He had told me we have arrived. To be continued..............

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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