Chapter 6

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A/N: Shoutout to Lu-Tessa-Mercer for being an awesome reader and giving me the idea for this chapter. Enjoy!

Lexi's POV

I was in the library waiting for Harry so we could do our homework together, when Cedric showed up, smiling sweetly at me and sitting down beside me at the table.

"Hey," I smiled at him.

"Whatcha doin'?" Cedric asked in a funny accent. We both started laughing.

"Stupid Potions homework," I replied.

"Need any help?" He asked, putting his hand on my arm affectionately. Maybe too affectionately.

" I'm fine, thanks," I smiled politely before turning back to my homework, only to notice Cedric move closer to me.

"Um...Cedric, I need my space to think," I was also hoping he would take a hint and go away.

"Oh, ok." He replied and moved like a centimeter from me. "Hey, there's this really good book on Potions that'll really help you. It's just over here." Cedric grabbed my hand and led me over to the bookshelf but I couldn't see any books on Potions.

"Cedric, there's no--" I turned to ask him where the book was when I found his lips press firmly against mine. At first, I was going to push him away, but I didn't really want to. I was half outraged and half excited.

After a few seconds, his lips weren't pressed as firmly against mine and our lips moved in sync. After a minute of passionate snogging, I opened my eyes to stare into Cedric's warm eyes. No, this felt really wrong. I'm with Harry, not Cedric.

"No, it's not like that, Cedric. It can't be like that," I walked back to where my homework was waiting to find Harry staring at me, shocked and furious.

"Harry, I can explain..."

We started walking towards the door to the library, his books in hand.

"Harry, wait!"

He stopped walking, not turning to look at me. I had tears starting to run down my face and I tried to hold them back as I ran around to talk to his face, not his back.

"Why?" He asked, a pained look in his eyes. He, too, was holding back tears.


"Why would you do it?" He was so hurt.

"He kissed me. I didn't kiss him,"

"But you didn't push him off or stop him. You kept kissing him. I was there, waiting for you to push him off, yell at him, and grab my hand, pulling me out of the library with you so we could go back to the Common Room together. But that never happened."

With that he walked around me and out of the library, leaving me standing shocked, tears streaming down my face. 

I ran over to the table. grabbing my books, only to be stopped by Cedric.

"What do you want, Cedric?" I asked, tiredly, wanting to leave the library.

"I'm sorry. For kissing you and getting you into that fight with your boyfriend."

"Our friendship isn't like that, Cedric. I thought you knew that."

"I know now and I understand. Are we still friends?"

"I guess..." I mumbled before walking around Cedric and leaving the library.

Once I got to the Common Room, I dropped my books rather loudly on the table and race up to where the girl's dorms were. I ran in and straight to my bed before hugging my pillow and crying non-stop.

Hermione came in after a bit and, after realising it was me that was crying, came over and comforted me.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" She asked soothingly, not wanting to pressure me if I didn't want to talk about it. I sat up slowly, before telling Hermione.

"I kissed Cedric."

Hermione gasped.

"Why? Why would you hurt Harry like that? He loves you so much!"

"I don't know why! I love him too! Cedric started kissing me and for some reason, I didn't stop him,"

"You need to apologise to Harry,"

"I already have!"

"Then do it again! Let him know you still love him. He'll eventually decide to forgive you,"

"How do you know? Are you a love expert, now?"

"Stop being a smart ass, Lexi. I'm serious. Harry would feel betrayed and you need to let him know you're on his side,"

"Fine. I'll go talk to him. He's probably in his dorm. What if he doesn't want to talk to me?"

"Then write him a note. Slip it under his door and he's bound to read it out of curiosity,"

"Ok. Thanks, Hermione. You're the best," I hugged Hermione tightly. "Now, can you help me write this note,"


Dear Harry,

I know you feel betrayed and I understand why. What I did was wrong and I understand if you don't want to talk to me. I've told Cedric that it was wrong and he accepts that. I love you, Harry, and I really want you to forgive me. I know it will take some time but I'm willing to wait.

I love you so much, Harry Potter. Please forgive me.


Lexi xxx


"I'll put it under his door," I walked out towards the boy's dorms, towards Harry.


Harry's POV

How could she? She kissed, well, made out with, that two-faced, stuck-up, Hufflepuff asshole. I heard soft footsteps outside the door.

"Harry? Can we talk?"

I didn't reply.

"Please. I'll tell you everything,"

I still didn't reply. I wasn't in the mood to talk to her right now. I faintly heard her sigh outside the door and an envelope with my name on it was slid under the door.

"Please read what the note has to say. It's not much but it means a lot to me,"

"And why should I care what it means to you? You tore out my heart."

"It was a mistake."

"Yeah. And so was our relationship." She gasped and there was a brief silence.

"...Are you...breaking up with me?" She quietly asked through the door, her voice breaking on the last word.

"Yes, Lexi. We're done." I grabbed the note from the bottom of my door. I wasn't going to rip it into shreds but I wasn't going to read it either. I was too tired for anything.

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