Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 – What’s happening now?

Authors note: This Chapter starts off in a dream sorry if it’s confusing. Don’t forget to comment, please leave your opinion and any ideas you might have for the story. J

I walked about, rubble was everywhere, it landed in a field and the smell of death was everywhere. I walked past engine fires and missiles of rubble flying everywhere, “WHY!” I heard someone yelling behind me, I spun around to find my mother staring at me with a face full of no expression. “Mother!” I squealed when I noticed blood was dripping from her eyes and there were cuts all over her body, “I’m so sorry” I whispered, the clothes she was wearing had been cut up so much it was all clinging to her body and I almost puked when I saw she was missing half her leg. “AHHHHHHHHHHH” I yelled I was at my mother’s plane crash site, and behind her was Jayden and dad.

“Shhhhh” I heard the sweetest whisper and slightly opened my eyes, “It’s gonna be ok, it was just a dream” he said caressing my face, I realized I was still in Zayns arms and wondered how long I had been sleeping for.

“It felt so real” I whispered in a cracked voice, “Wanna talk about it?” he asked and I really didn’t feel like talking about any of this to any one, my biggest fear right now was going to be Maybelle, I couldn’t bare to see her so upset so I decided I wasn’t going to tell her just yet. I shook my head in reply to Zayn and sat up.

I looked about the room and found Maybelle sitting in Liam’s lap with her eyes glued to the TV. I buried my face into Zayn’s chest because I found I couldn’t even look at Maybelle without seeing my parents. I cried quietly not wanting her to worry about me, eventually I would have to stop hiding in Zayn and face the others but I didn’t know how I could do that when I was still grieving and so badly.

Niall walked over to us with a mug of steaming coffee in his hands and placed it on the table next to me, “You looked like you needed something to wake you up” he said trying a smile but I could see his eyes were filled with pity, and I didn’t need anyone’s pity.

By the time I was able to sit up without crying I noticed it wasn’t raining anymore and the leaks had stopped. I walked past everyone who was looking at me with their faces full of worry and concern but I ignored them and went straight to the bathroom.

For the first time in my life I hated the mirror I was looking into, my face was tear stained and my fair was a bird’s nest. I had the blood shot eyes and the biggest bags, I splashed my face with the water to freshen myself up a bit, I still looked like a zombie but at least I was a bit more awake.

“Sydie!!!” Yelled Maybelle when I walked out of the bathroom, she ran up and hugged me, I felt a wave of tears coming on but I had to be strong, I had to be strong for my little sister who looked up to.

“We made breakfast!” yelled Louis from the kitchen with a big cheesy grin, I smiled slightly at him and carried Maybelle into the kitchen with me.

“Mmmmmmmm smells good” I said when I could smell the sweetness of the pancakes he was cooking, “What the hell Hazza!!” Yelled Louis into Harry’s ear, he had just finished whispering something to him, “Sorry to tell you, but breakfast is ruined, you may or may not have realized but Harry styles can’t cook to save his life!” he shouted directed at Harry. I felt bad for him he was always being picked on, “What did he do?” I asked in a small voice “Oh nothing he just dropped the nutella in it” he said crossing his arms, I licked my lips, the boys probably didn’t know but I was a sucker for nutella I put it on everything even my pancakes.

I looked into the mixing bowl and the jar was still in it, I giggled and pulled it out, mixing the nutella that had fallen in into the mixture, I also added some strawberries and some more sugar, I couldn’t help it I felt like something sweet to help mend my heart.

I turned around and found that all five boys were at the table with knives and forks ready to eat. “Who wants the first one?” I asked and they all bounded toward me, snatching and grabbing, I kept the plate and slowly made it through the crowd of boys to the table where I saw Maybelle waiting patiently at the table.

“There you go Maybelle” I handed her the plate with the first pancake on it, she smiled brightly at me and I had to look away, or I would start crying. I looked up to see all eyes on the plate on the table with disappointed looks.

Then they turned their gaze to me and rushed over to me hugging me, they could obviously see the pain in my eyes. “I’ll finish the pancakes” said Liam and I trusted him because he was responsible, that’s why they call him daddy direction.

I sat and ate my pancakes and found that the boys had already scoffed theirs and I sat there with my mouth open in amazement. “You pigs!” I exclaimed and they looked at me like an alien because I hadn’t even finished my first one yet. I blushed a bit and washed up the dishes.

“Come with me” said a person pulling my from behind and into the hallway outside so no one could here, it was Niall and he looked worried. He stared into my eyes as if trying to say something to me without speaking, “Tell her” he said after realizing I didn’t know what he meant, “If I were her I wouldn’t want that kind of information kept from me, would you?” he added I broke down in tears and Niall caught me and soothed me.

“I – I don’t know – how – to” I said between sobs, I must have been soaking his shirt but he didn’t seem to mind, I realized something and pulled away from him.

“What happens now?!” I asked yelling “If dad can’t work with you, where does that leave me?” I asked hysterically. He pulled me into an embrace and caressed my cheek, “I honestly don’t know” he said with a sigh “You’re a great person, maybe you can finish your dads work and –“he started “and what? Than go live on the streets because I only have one aunty and she lives in America and can’t afford the plane fares, we couldn’t even afford to get there before now, and I don’t even have a house now because my parents put it up for rent but they can’t reclaim it now!” I screamed into his shirt.

“I have an idea” he whispered into my ear.

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