Music To My Eyes

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"This is it," Jack announces, swiping the card against the door and opening it to let me in, "Should be fine for us until tomorrow."
I can't help but gasp as I enter; the room is ten times the size of any hotel room I've ever stayed in, that's for sure. It's fancy, decked with modern furniture, a flat screen tv, a sparkling bathroom with marble countertops, and two luxurious beds topped with pristine white sheets and decorative pillows. Exploring the place in awe, I notice we even have a balcony with a perfect view of Tucson, the sunset casting a magical glow over the city. This is luxury, but I guess Jack's used to it by now.

"Jack.. this is insane," I laugh, throwing myself onto one of the huge beds.
"I'm guessing one bed'll be enough, huh?" he asks jokingly. I smirk.
"Unless you think you can stand being away from me," I tease.

"Never," he mumbles, leaning down to kiss me as I sit up. He gently pushes a strand of hair that's escaped from my pony tail behind my ear. I probably look a mess, travelling is not a good look.

"You're beautiful," he whispers as if he can hear my thoughts. I can feel his breath on my cheek, and tonight it doesn't smell of liquor.
"Stop it," I scoff, reaching up to hold his face close to mine so our foreheads touch. I kiss him longer this time, taking in every detail. The prickle of his short beard on my palms. The way our noses bump when we readjust for a breath. The blue sky I get lost in when he looks at me with eyes that tell me I'm the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. I pull away slowly, knowing it'll leave him wanting more.
"I'm gonna go freshen up," I say, inches from his face. I find my cosmetic bag in my suitcase before making my way to the enormous bathroom. Starting to brush my teeth, I hear Jack unzipping his case too, probably changing into something comfier.

"So what're we doing tonight?" I call from the bathroom, glancing out to see a shirtless Jack admiring the view from our window.

"Up to you," he answers, making his way over and wrapping bare arms around me. "I was kinda thinkin maybe we could stay in though. If you'd fancy."

I grin. Time away from the public eye is exactly what we need. Of course Jackson loves his fans more than (almost) anything, but it can get overwhelming. He needs a quiet night once in a while, we both do.

"Sounds perfect," I tell assure him after spitting out toothpaste. He tugs at my shirt's collar, kissing my shoulder as I wash off my makeup (I'm only wearing a little, as he insisted). When I'm finished I let my hair down before just before strong hands turn me towards him, warm lips connecting with moments eagerly. After a few minutes I pull back, realizing my hips were resting uncomfortably against the counter.

"You're even more beautiful without makeup on, ya know." He says in his deep voice and I nearly melt but manage to roll my eyes. Even so, I don't manage to hide my smile.

Ally," he breathes, calling my eyes up to meet his. There's something about him saying my name that makes him even more irresistible; my name was never pretty until the first time he said it.

My hand slides up his bare chest, a questioning hum leaving my mouth rising from my throat in response.

"Just like the sound'a your name," Jack smiles

I give him a quick kiss and then wriggle out of his grip to find a clean t-shirt. I pull out an old worn one I usually wear to bed, but a hand promptly snatches it from me.

"You won't be needin that," I hear from above me, and I stand, grinning.

"Well someone's in a good mood tonight," I laugh, reaching my hand over my head to let him slide off my current shirt, dirty from the day of travel.

"Just happy to have you to myself for once, Jack says.

He's trying (and failing) to keep his eyes above my chest. I slide off my jeans, and Jack reaches into his suitcase, handing me one of his t-shirts I recognize. I pull it over my head, smiling. It feels good, and it smells like him. Like home.
He replaces his own with a comfy, navy blue one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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