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You cracked your eyes open groggily, the worst migraine you'd ever had invading your skull. You felt a bony hand on your forehead. Though your vision was blurry, you could make out Ink's strange eyes gazing down at you. Ink's. Wait...


You jolted upward, Ink moving just in time to avoid clashing foreheads. You stared at him wide-eyed. "Ink! You're okay!" Despite the dizziness, you threw your arms around him, much to his dismay. Normally you would have refrained, but so much had been going on lately that you couldn't stop yourself.

He patted your back awkwardly. "(Y/N), what're you talking about?"

What were you talking about? Was he an idiot? Or was there something else? You tried to answer, but no words came. Instead your mind flashed with memories of that distorted voice. "You think Ink is going to help you with anything?" It had said. You looked at Ink. You gazed into his eyes, searching for something. Despite their apparent brightness, you couldn't help but notice how hollow they were. "All those emotions of his are an emulation." You could almost say you agreed. You wouldn't accept that. You had to trust that whatever this wickedness in your mind was; was wrong. And you did care. You cared about what happened to Ink, to Dream, and to Blue. You didn't care just about answers. You weren't selfish. You had one thing against this strange entity infecting you, against those distant, faded memories. You had hope.

You released Ink. You saw the look on his face, and on the others' nearby. They didn't remember. Deep down, you knew it had something to do with that voice. That voice that you knew was "Chara." You stared hard at the three skeletons. "I think I need an explanation. We need an explanation." Just like you promised. No more damsel in distress.


"You guys don't remember, but I do," You told them, the assertiveness in your voice unallowing of any sort of argument.

"I do not think it ever did happen," said Dream, "How would none of us remember? Are you absolutely sure it was not a nightmare, (Y/N)?"

You nodded. "I'm sure."

"But one moment you were fine, and then you collapsed!" Blue whimpered, "I was worried my new friend was done for! We saw all of it and went to fetch Ink."

"It's the same story they told me, (Y/N)." His expression was emotionless. Though you swore to not believe that entity, the lack or empathy on his face still unnerved you.

"Ink, tell me about 'Chara'." Your tone was demanding. You were getting those answers, no matter if it made these guys uncomfortable.

"You don't even know them—"

"Remember when you first spoke of Chara? When you said what they did, I heard their voice. At least, I'm sure it was their voice." You groaned and rubbed your temples. "Look, I don't even know how, but I know." You looked dead at him. "I haven't been entirely honest with you, Ink." You glanced at Blueberry and Dream. Blueberry was confused, but Dream very well knew. He seemed a bit shaken, but you ignored it. "I feel...I feel like I know this place. There are memories, but I don't know of what. I can't grasp them. It's just this strange deja vu. I forget it the first time, but when it reappears it just sticks in my mind. I promise I don't know why, Ink. Just trust me."

"So what you're saying is," said Ink slowly, "You think you've been here before?" He rubbed the back of his skull. "How is that possible. Wouldn't Dream have your memories?" He eyed his friend suspiciously.

"That's what Dream was confused about too," You cut in, "I need you to believe me. And what I saw and heard before I passed out, you need to believe me again. I heard that same voice from before. We were searching for you. You had gone missing. I was sure you'd gone to get revenge on Error. Not long after we jumped through a portal to find you, the voice overtook my mind. Well, it was more like many voices at once, all distorted..." It hurt your head just to talk about it. You could hear the blood pumping in your ears, and you felt a migraine coming on with a dash of vertigo. But you grit your teeth and kept on. "It told me a lot of things. Things I can't believe. And then everything just blacked out, and I awoke to you. But I swear it wasn't a dream. Something strange is going on, and I don't know if weird stuff like this happens here, but I sure as hell don't like it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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