The move in.

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I push my box that was labeled " clothes " up the stairs. My dad saw me struggling with the box and decided to help me. He lifted up the box with ease.

" We really need you in boxing classes. " He chuckled while pushing my dark chocolate brown hair out the way revealing my bruised check.

His eyes clouded with tears but he turned away to put my box in my room.

I waked behind him into the room and look around at the blank walls.

" I know that these walls with be filled with your drawings." He smiled with his mustache followed.

I smiled back and started to think of ideas for my walls.

" I can't believe my little lilac going to be a senior! " He pretend to cry.

" Dad! No. ! I hugged him.

He smiles and Pat my head.

" Start to unpack , ok?" He smiles while walking out of my new room.

I nod and sit down on the floor pulling a box over label bed frame. I growl not feeling putting my bed frame together.

Lucky my dad already put my dresser together so I can unpack my antiques.

I pull another box over that labeled " antiques." I opened the box to see all of the cat figures I have. My mother gave me theses cats before she passed away. I grab one with white fur and a red bonnet and set it on my dresser with a mirror.

I heard my dad coming up the stairs.

" Hey lilac, you forgot your Epipens..."
He stopped mid sentence when he saw me cradling one of my cat figures.

He slowly place the Epipens on my dresser and walk to me to give me a hug.

" The stupid doctor should of knew she was allergic to penicillin. " He growls.

" Things happen for a reason dad. That's why we moved from Virginia to New Jersey to get a new start. " I said smiling to try to cheer up the mood.

He smiles " Oh yeah, you start at school on August 4th. "

I pout and look at the calendar. "That's 3 days away. " While looking around my bed room.

" I will get most of this done. You worry about your 4.0 GPA." He smiles.

He walked out and he looked back and tapped on my bed frame box.

I groan but I pulled the box towards me and started to unpack the bed frame.


I crawled into a empty tree house. Only hospital equipment.

I walked over to the hospital bed. Looks like it has been slept in recent.

I heard a creaking of the wood. I turn around...

I wake up panting for air. I look around to see my half made bed frame. I stretch my limbs and continue.

After half an hour went by and my bed frame is together.

I run down stairs to see my dad trying to put up some picture frames.

" Hey Dad, can you help me put in my bed now?" I asked while trying to lift half of the bed up.

He almost fell off the step latter.

"Hey Lyla! Your going to break your back trying to left that thing on your own. " He grabs the other end.

We both carefully went of the stairs. Luckily my room is right across the stairs. We put the mattress on the bed and I fell into my king size mattress.

" Do you need help with anything else ?" I asked while half a sleep.

" No just going to put the rest of the pictures up. Get some sleep because you going to the store tommorow. " He said while yelling from the stairs.

I groans and curled up into a ball and fell into a slumber.

I turn around to see a tall muscle but skinny guy with dirty brown hair.

" Find me.." he whispers as he grab an IV needle.

" What are you doing?" I grab his hand. 

He pulls his hand away and stuck it in his arm. He breaths deeply.

He seems healthier after putting the iv in.

" I said find me please. " He grab my hand and looks at me.

I might not remember you when you find me but..

" He takes off his necklace and place it into my hand. " I left up my hand to see that the necklace has an eagle on it.

I look up at him and he's gone..

" Hey! Hey!". I yelled.

I wake up to my dad shaking me awake.

" Hey to you too!" He smiles.

I look around at the half empty boxes.

" Remember you have to go to the store. There is a farmer market at the end of the road. " He smiles and hands me $20.

I get up and pushed him out the door so I can change.

I look into the mirror. I am too lazy to do anything with my hair so I pull it up into a bun. Notice that my bruised cheek still visible. I grabbed some concealer and dab carefully so I don't hurt myself.

I put on a over size olive green sweat shirt and just some blue jeans. I ran down stairs to grab my lilac sneakers.

My dad hands me microwaved breakfast burrito.

" Honeycomb is in the shed. " He said.

I ran to the shed to retrieve my bike. I name objects like bikes, cars or stuff animals. If I love them enough. So I named my bike honey comb since it bright yellow.

I got on my bike and put my breakfast burrito in the basket so it can cool down.

I rode off onto the side of the road and while I was looking at the beautiful woods. I saw a tree house and stopped

I blinked a couple of times and try to see inside but I got scared when a truck past by really fast. I decided to start pedaling again so I don't get hit.

I finally made it to the farmer market and I got alot of great stuff on sale. Eggplants, cabbage, blueberries.. you can name it.

I placed the bag into the honeycomb's basket and road off. While riding back. I decided to see what up with this tree house and why it's calling me.

Before I can even look at it my dad is calling me. " Hurry home.. it's almost lunch times and I'm hungry!!!" He whines over the phones.
I roll my eyes at his babiness.

" Okay I'm half way there. " I said and hanged up the phone to pedal again.

The guy in the tree house.Where stories live. Discover now