(1) Late Night Chat

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Before Deku became the number one hero, not everything was the same. Before he met All Might and gained his new quirk, before he entered his dream school and trained to be a hero, before he would learn over time what everything took to become a true hero and what truly made a hero. Of course this story, starts off with a new chapter just months before the fateful day Bakugou told Midoriya to go jump off a building.

It all started off in our main protagonist's room, with Deku being on his phone while laying down on his bed scrolling through his phone. He has been going through abunch of hard times, being bullied for not having a quirk for so many years. This was the last year before he would go off to try and apply for his dream school, UA academy, the best of the best, the school from where All Might originated from.

What was Deku doing on his phone? Well the answer to that was simple, social media. He didn't have his profile as his own name or anything that could even be close to showing off who he was due to fear of students figuring out who he was, but he did have himself a profile with multiple pictures of heros and nerding out over them. As he scrolled through posts of people he followed, Midoriya soon noticed a certain post that was recommended to him as it seemed relevant based on his likes towards certain posts.

Midoriya looks at the photo, seeing a bird like logo with words put onto it.


This was quite a catchy catchphrase, but a sort of cliche thing to say online in front of everyone who had connection to the internet. He clicked on the post, giving the seven hearts of likes an extra like from himself and a coment.

[Cute catchphrase. It definitely could strike fear into the enemies!]

He did like it, but of course he commented this out of pure encouragement! There was a small amount if teasing to it.
Though, it could be worse. Midoriya soon went on the profile that posted it, seeing it was a completely new profile that just came into social media just this month. Under the username MightyNumber001 Midoriya would look around on this profile. He had to give this person credit, he liked his username. YamiKage seemed quite the intimidating username but yet sort of something you would see from a young teen acting all rebellious.

As the young quirkless teen looked on his profile, he looked at his photos which only contained two from this edgy account. One was a picture of a book he enjoyed reading and the other was a common photo of UA academy!

Midoriya's eyes widened as he looked at this picture. Someone else wanted to go to this academy as well? He read through more of this account's posts to learn more about this person. The young teen soon learned that this person was just around his age, male, and even wanted to attend UA academy like he did.

As Midoriya geeked out and whispered to himself about what hero this person could be and what sort of quirk this student could have, he deduced that this student was going for an edgy look.

A ring came from his phone as he looked to see what this notification came from.

It was YumiKage who texted him.

YumiKage: Hey I noticed you liked my stuff, thanks. I enjoy your posts you make about heros. I had some fun looking through some.

Midoriya looked at the message, having a soft smile as he texted him back.

MightyNumber001: Thanks! I really liked your profile! Are you gonna try to attend UA?

YamiKage: Yeah. I've been trying as best I can with my quirk.

MightyNumber001: Amazing! What's your quirk? I feel it'll be something cool and an absolute fantastic quirk based on what I can see from your profile.

YamiKage: I don't tell just anyone my quirk. If I make it as a hero you can definitly see.

MightyNumber001: Guess I'll have to have you trust me more, if you don't mind!.

YamiKage: Sure, but don't expect any pictures either

This was the beginning of their chats. Two heroes who talked and chatted over thier interests of heroes and what being a hero could be like. Each day Midoriya would have more fun and enjoyment just texting away the online person.

Each day the two would chat, every night and whenever they had free time. During Midoriya's lunch, free time, and even as he was on the bus to home.

He was on the bus one time, typing away as he would continue texting his mysterious friend. Then, he got a certain text that sent his mind into a conundrum.

YamiKage: Hey, wanna try meeting up?


Midoriya looks at the text, gulping abit as he began to think of many possibilities of what could happen. Could this work out? Would he get kidnapped? Murdered? Robbed?

These were thoughts that scrambleded in his head as he read those words.

MightyNumber1: Yes!

Author's Note: Hey! Sorry for low update.Life likes messing me up in the head. Hope you all enjoy the story. Promise I'll try to find more motivation to continue my stories! Peaoutce

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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