dear diary 1

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Have you ever felt like you love someone but know they would never talk to you or even know who you are, then hey I have the same problem as you and it's no fun.

I have felt this in 2 kinds of ways. 1 being in love with a boy in my town and 2 obviously a celebrity. I think everyone has had these problems.
Or even to know that everyone makes it even more harder when they say you guy's would look amazing and cute together. Maybe even saying that they would date you cause your hot and they are hot. HATE IT. But hey need to take the compliment cause it makes you stronger but also can make you insecure in some kind off way.

You can feel more confident, obviously because of the compliment. You can feel good about your body and face and just everything.
You also have the negative side of it, you can grow insecure about it cause you hear the compliment but it goes in and you take it different. There can be a voice in your head telling you it is such a lie don't listen you are the complete opposite. That is just FUCKED up.
But hey don't listen to that voice like I did cause nothing good comes from that. Learn to take the compliment or even make a joke out off it so you can keep that confidence or even grow it and have fun about it.

Don't look at them and be like you gonna be mine. NO NEVER EVER DO THAT. You need to stand up for yourself and be you first till a boy comes in your life unexpected, then you can be something. Maybe it could be even one off them but don't rely on it.

Well this was a bit in my life, by my Muppets♡

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