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Your POV

"Joseph Y/Ln, six months old, given an aortal shunt when he was born. Came in six days ago because he was coughing up blood. CT scan revealed that his shunt had burst, he had open heart surgery to replace the shunt and has been in a medically induced coma since. Today we are checking to see if he is ready to wake up from the coma." Dr. Washington once again had her posey of interns, this morning we had big decisions to make. 

"Thank you, Dr. Trent. Now, what signs are we looking for in making this decision?" Dr. Washington and her students continue to talk their medical jargon, Lauren and I just sitting next to Joseph's crib, each of us holding one of his hands. 

The hospital life coordinator came into our room the second day we were here, automatically recognizing Lauren and upgrading us to a VIP suite. Lauren and I typically hate most aspects of her fame, but this was not one of them. 

Lauren and I had real beds, and were attended to quite often. 

After day three, we were expecting the doctors to wake Joseph up and move us to the post-op wing, but they have made decisions day by day to continue keeping him in the coma. It's been unbearably hard on both of us, and my parents say that both Maria and Michael were okay, getting comfortable with my parents and Lauren's when they switch off. 

My sisters and Lauren's siblings took turns either coming here to keep Lauren company while I go home and shower or vice versa. Our family has been unbelievably helpful, but that doesn't change how hard it is to see our baby boy bandaged up and in a coma.

Lauren and I haven't exchanged many words, it was super difficult to talk unless we were updating the family or talking to the doctor. 

"Ok, so Ms. Jauregui, Ms. Y/Ln, we are going to slowly stop the meds that are keeping Joseph asleep. We want to keep you guys here for another two days to see how he handles being awake. He will probably be grumpy and sore, and just sad overall. You guys aren't technically in the NICU anymore because we moved your room, but if the next couple of days go well we will talk about moving you to the post-op wing. This just means that we will start to focus more on rehab, you guys won't be moving rooms." Dr. Washington has been amazing since we got here, she is literally a life saver.

"So, what should we do when he wakes up?" I ask, looking back at Joseph.

"I want you guys to pretend like nothing happened. He will obviously be exhausted, but play with him and read him books, however you would go about a normal day at home," she explains, starting to take out his feeding tube. I look away quickly, not wanting to watch any of what they do to him. "He will probably be thirsty, he can drink water, have a few cheerios at a time, but nothing really more than that," she explains, smiling at us. 

The 8 doctors leave the room, a sudden silence falling over us, Lauren and I just looking at each other. I couldn't exactly read her eyes, I knew she was exhausted but emotionally I was lost. 


"Ok, Lo, relax," I mumble, knowing that wouldn't help anything. 

"You're kidding, right?" She practically yells. Joseph was two months post-op and we were finally leaving the hospital moving back into the apartment in Miami. Lauren and I were disagreeing over whether or not he was ready.

"Lauren, he doesn't even wear a bandage on his chest anymore. He's sitting up. They're 8 months old, the other two are starting to crawl and he's so far behind. He will be okay," I say. I put my hands on her upper arms, kissing her forehead. Lauren let's out a deep breath, leaning against my chest. I hug her with a kiss on the top of her head, Lauren wrapping her arms around my waist. 

"The other two won't be gentle with him," she mumble, pulling away, looking over at a sleeping Joseph in his car seat.

"Yes they will. We're gonna keep an eye on them anyway, they are babies," I laugh, Lauren smiling. "I love you." I lean down kissing Lauren's lips gently. She lets out a sigh before we head out the door.


"Maria, careful with your brothers!" I yell from across the room. Maria turns to me, both of her brothers on the ground below her. She smiles at me before gently dropping the ball she was planning to throw at one of them. She waddles over to her little baby table, plopping down to color. 

Lauren walks into the living room, clipping her last earring in before coming over to me. "I should be home before 10," Lauren tells me, kissing my cheek before heading over to the babies. She kisses them all and disappears out the door.

She was going to a premier of a movie Normani was starring in. 

Now that the babies were almost 2, we were able to go out sometimes, only one of having to handle them was possible."Ok guys, come on," I say, placing three plates of peanut butter and jellies on the table. They climb up into the seats and I pass around cups of apple juice. "Joseph does your belly hurt?" He shakes his head, grabbing a goldfish. 

It's been over a year since we last went to the hospital, but I like to ask him every day just to make sure. 

After dinner we have bath time before I read them a story in the big bed (our bed). I walk them back into their room and they all climb into their toddler beds. "Goodnight, Michael," I say, kissing his forehead. "I love you."

"Love you, Mama," he smiles, wrapping his little arms around my neck for a hug.

"Goodnight, Joseph," I say, kissing his forehead. "I love you."

"Mama, wait, help." I laugh to myself as he gets all tangled in his sheets. I fix them and give him a hug before moving to my baby girl.

"Goodnight, Maria," I say, kissing her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you, Mama," she smiles, jumping up and throwing her whole body onto me. 

"Come on girlie, get in bed," I laugh, tucking her in.

A/n: Thank you guys so much for the support on this story, I've loved writing it. Sorry for mistakes, I would love feedback, thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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