Chapter 19 (Bodybag and handcuffs)

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Ello lovelies here's chapter 19 enjoy!


Cassidy's P.O.V

I woke up cold and shivering. The covers are on the floor making a line to the bathroom. I hear faint humming and a shower running I roll my eyes " could have had the decency to put the covers on me" I mumble and get up, picking up the blanket I see something under the bed. My eyebrows raise in confusion as I get on my knees and reach under the bed I feel velvet cloth touch my fingers knowing I have it in my grasp I pull back to look at it.

It's a small box that reads 'Cassidy'. My heart flutters as I read the cursive on the box so it's for me? My mind wanders off in question wondering why is it under the bed maybe it fell under here when he dropped it or something-

" what are you doing?" I hear behind me. I jump and drop the box pushing it back under the bed, I face Harry's confused wet face and smile " um I was picking up the covers and then.. I saw my shoelaces were untied" I quickly say not knowing that made no complete sense. " Cassidy you don't have on shoes" he asked me slightly worried. Shoot! I laugh awkwardly " I know that's why I was confused- hey are you hungry you should go in the kitchen and I'll make us breakfast" I said changing the subject.

He shrugs and walks into his closet getting dressed I grab my suitcase and run to the bathroom. I sigh in relief as I close the door leaning on it. That was too close next time you don't touch something that is under the bed and with your name on it. Wait what?

I shrug my thoughts away and turn on the shower quickly getting in and showering away from last night and this morning

Harry's P.O.V

I step out of the closet (*snickers*)  fully clothed. I hope she didn't see the box I look under the bed and grab the box shoving it into the dresser drawer next time I'm putting it where it's not completely obvious. I walk out of the bedroom and walk into the kitchen, my phone rings a familiar ringtone and I answer " hello?" I asked silence. I hear breathing heavy breathing like they ran a 200 meter dash and just wanted to call someone " helloooo?" I asked once again nothing. I look at the phone and see Niall's number I sigh he's prank calling me again " Niall I-" I began

" your a wizard Harry!" A lady voice erupts. " what?" I asked I hear Niall's laughter and a girls laughter over the phone. I get frustrated and hung up " stupid bugger he is" I mumble " who's a stupid bugger?" I hear behind me I curse out and turn around Cassidy's has a towel over her head and is wearing jeans and my sweatshirt" geez don't do that" I said clutching my chest she smiles " I'm just returning the favor babe" she said walking over and kissing my cheek I mumble something and she hits my bum. " so Mr.Birthday boy part 2 what would you like to eat?" She asks opening the fridge I think for a second and come up with a plan

" how about we go out to eat? I can call the guys and we'll go together?" I asked she smiles and kisses my cheek once again" anything for the birthday boy" she whispers I raise an eye brow and smirk " anything?" I asked she bites her lip and nods I pick her up and set her over my shoulder she laughs loudly and proceeds to hit my back " and we're off!" I exclaim running to the bedroom

Tiaras p.o.v

I clutch my side as I laugh " that was hilarious!" Niall calls out still laughing I nod but knowing he can't see me I have to say something. I compose myself and speak up " I like Zayns the best he just began to get angry and cuss us out" I said wiping my eyes " can you get on Skype I want to see your lovely face" he said I smile " sure" I answer grabbing my laptop. I sit Indian style on my bed and turn on Skype I call Niall and he answers quickly I see his red smiling face on the computer causing me to feel warm and happy

" hi Niall!" I said waving he waves back and said something " what?" I asked he picks up his phone and points to it. I pick up my phone and put it to my ear he does the same " my mic is broken so we'll have to talk on the phone is that alright with you?" He asked I look at him " anything for you  " I said smiling he winks causing me to laugh.

Cassidy's p.o.v

" Niall said he couldn't make it because he's spending time with tiara so it's me you Liam Lou Zayn and Perrie" He said. I nod as I tap away on his phone I couldn't use my phone because it doesn't get bars in Europe so I just texted my mom and Nikki. Turns out she wasn't that mad when I left her in New York she said she met this nice Russian guy who's willing to pay for her stay in New York. ( ;) ) Harry pulled up to the popular place called Nandos. It's my first time being here so they insisted we go here.

I exit the car hopping down from the range rover I'm not that short it just it's tall for me. Harry puts on his sunglasses and his hat " way to disguise yourself Harry" I said shaking my head laughing he pouts " you can tell it's me?" He asked me not wanting to break his heart I baby him and say" of course not I was just implying that it's a great disguise is all" I said he smiles " you sound like a Brit already" he said opening the door. It was crowded lots of people were here. A kind lady in a uniform walks up and smiles " welcome to Nandos! Party of two?" She asked

" no we're here with some friends" I answered she nods " their back there " she said pointing I see the faces and I walk to the back. Harry grabs my hand and I hear the whispers 'is that Harry styles?' ' who is she' 'that's the girl that almost killed him'. I roll my eyes and sit down " hey guys!" I said smiling they say hey back. I see this girl with blonde-ish hair. I look at her facial features and there's something that caught my eyes

Her lips

They were puffed like she had some type of Allergic reaction. But other than that she was pretty " hi you must be Perrie" I asked she nodded smiling.

Her lip

Stop it Cassidy you weren't raised to be rude! I shake off the constant thought and look at something else " so what are you getting Cassidy?" Liam asked noticing my fidgeting towards the situation. " well what's good here?" I asked " everything" Louis answered " well I can't just order everything off the menu now can I?" I say he nods " we can get anything we want here. It's free" he answers. " really?" I asked they nod altogether " if I had that power. I would rule the world" I said to myself. Harry motions to the menu he's reading and I scoot over to read it. " mm the chicken looks good" I answered he nods

" you'll like the Cesar salad" perrie said I looked at her like 'bish whet?'. Then Harry laughs trying to break the silence "I'll just stick with the chicken" I said nicely " why the salads here are wonderful especially if your willing to start a diet" she said. " the chicken sounds good" zayn said I look at perrie

" are you implying something?" I asked she shakes her head " no it's just I thought you were on a diet your not?" She asked." Obviously I'm not if I'm getting the chicken" I said " oh my mistake" she said embarrassed " yes your mistake" I say angrily. She didn't mean it.

Let's hope no one leaves here in a body bag and handcuffs


Damn son! That was deep!

And I just want to say I like perrie on an occasion and I know everyone is not perfect it's just

Your going out with ZAYN MALIK and you insist on calling zayn fans ugly and smelly like bish whet?? I'm sorry I'm mean it's the hormones I can't help it

Anyways vote comment and tell me what you think of this chapter

Remember feedback is important people!

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Please I'll give you some candy?

That totally doesn't sound like I'm trying to get you into my van

Here *hands you a bag full of candy* now get in 

Bye guys :*

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