Okay. Heres what happened

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Okay so I had a thing with this guy. Let's call him P. So me and P and a thing and the other day me and him were talking and I was like 'Listen to mutual by shawn mendes cause that's how I'm feeling about you rn and yeah' well I ended up sending a whole ass paragraph saying I don't want to be messed with in a way that ya know like they don't care about you personally but they just want you for ya know. And so I went to bed and I texted him good night. He responded to that and not my paragraph. This morning I texted him good morning and I'm sorry if what I said pissed him off and he said 'we are just friends now' mind you we weren't dating in the first place. So I was like 'okay but you know I'm still gonna like you cause you are the only good thing that has happened to me this year right.' And he said ya. Ok bish I cried. And then he had the NERVE to park next to our car at school. Luckily I know one of his friends wanted my number so I just asked P to give (let's call his friend F) F my number. NOTHINGS GONNA HAPPEN WITH F OKAY. IM NOT INTO HIM. But I wanna know if P actually cares or if it was one of the things he says to make you feel better about yourself. Any way. Love you all

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