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Hewwo there :3! To learn more about me click on my name and you shall arrive at my profile where you can read my bio. If your here because you want to crave your hungerrrrrr (that sounds weird af), you randomly found me, or you don't even know who Gowther is (;<) then this is where you should begin!


The basic term I'll be using in the story is:

Y/N: Your name

More about Gowther:

Gowther is from the Anime Seven Deadly Sins. From the name you can automatically assume that the Anime has something to do with the actual Seven Deadly Sins, which it does. Gowther is the Goat Sin of Lust. Now Dear Reader, telling you how he got his sin would be spoiling the absolutely beautiful Anime so I shall not tell you ;). However, I will tell you his character traits! 

Gowther is a very sarcastic and giggles giving character. That said he makes absolutely adorable remarks likeeeeeeeee: Throwing those kawaii peace signs, having a CUTE ADORABLE INNOCENT LOOKING FACE, various comments that give the giggles and much more! Putting these things into consideration, he may sound like a character who lacks any care, however that is incorrect. Gowther is also very serious and thoughtful, putting even the littlest details into consideration, and that's why I love him! I also love his character design and how creative alone he is. Now that I've said all this you should be somewhat ready for my fanfiction. I don't want the fanfiction to be as if I just took the reader and shoved them into the Anime so I'll try my best to do that! Sorry for all the words but I promise it'll all be important, and one last thing! I've mentioned this serveral times throughout this whole FanFiction: I do not own the Seven Deadly Sins in any way or form, I am just a huge fan of the whole series and really love Gowther! <3

I will be updating this story everyday and if I can't expect a chapter the next day. For example if I miss a day the next day is pretty much guaranteed to have a chapter released ;>

And with that said, Enjoy! <3 


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