Summer in Bathory

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"Vlad! C'mon, get up!" Henry smacked Vlad's face, a bag of warm O Positive in his hand. Vlad's nose twitched, his eyes fluttering open at the smell of blood. The dark colour flashed purple for a split second before fading to normal. "Gimme." He grumbled, snatching the bag from Henry.

His fangs pierced through the plastic, crimson spilling down his throat. "October told me to have us meet her and Sprat at the Crypt. We were supposed to be there like 5 minutes ago." Henry, already dressed and ready, waited for Vlad to drag on his sneakers and a hoodie over his jeans. He ran downstairs, Nelly shouting a goodbye.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" He asked, walking ahead of Henry. He left his car at October's place, so they had to walk. Vlad could've gotten there in about 3 seconds, though he didn't want to risk being seen by the humans. Henry shrugged indifferently. "I forgot." Vlad rolled his eyes; Henry, since he'd been dating October, had become more and more forgetful. Then again, he was forgetful to begin with.

After a walk filled with conversation about video games and girls, they reached the Crypt. The building looked...dingier in the sunlight, though the music was still as loud as ever and the place was booming. Vlad swung open the door and began the decent into the club via the red hallway. He inhaled deeply, blood and adrenaline filling his nose. October and Sprat were lounging on the overstuffed velvet sofas, Kristoff and Snow joining on the opposite ones. Andrew was missing.

Vlad dropped down next to Sprat, Henry next to his girlfried. "So, what's up? Why did you need us?" Vlad asked, accepting the goblet of "blood" from Sprat. He managed to stomach the sugary red syrup for Sprat; he always looked happier when Vlad accepted it. "Weeellll," October began stretching out her words. Snow rolled her eyes. "My friend Syn is having a party for all the goth kids at her place on Saturday. She said that we could invite you guys; October and I talk about you guys a lot apparently."

Vlad looked to Henry, who was looking around at the empty picture frames clinging crookedly to the walls. "I'm in. Henry'll have to drive me, so he's going to be there." He replied, draping his arm over the back of the couch. "Fine, but I'm trailing you all night." Henry said, pointing an accusatory finger at the now copper haired goth. Shed been dying her hair frequently, and it was currently a rusty reddish-orange.

A/N--So this is just a filler thingy to set the tone and finding the cast for this took so friggin long.

Kristoff looks like the dude in the pic and you might have to do some googling to see what cast members look like.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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