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Matt: 16

Carter: 17

Matt POV

Hi I'm Matt I am what they call a nerd but I'm kinda popular, because I'm friends with Nash, Aaron, and Shawn. But I get bullied by the jocks cameron, Taylor, carter, and hayes. I used to be best friends with carter but then one day I tolled him I was bi and I liked him and he got all weirded out and stopped liking me, and he started hurting me, well he doesn't really hurt me he just watches. You've probably guess i still have a crush on him and your right.

* beep, beep, beep*

Oh great time to go to the hell hole. I got up took a shower and changed into black skinny jeans and put on a orange button up with red vans. I walked down stairs grab a muffin, after I was done I started walking to school. It only took about 5 minutes. I herd foot steps behind me. I didn't want to know who it was. I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned around to the one and only Taylor caniff.

" Hey fag!"

" last time I checked you were a fag too!" I spit back.

He threw a punch it hit my in the stomach, and then I did something bad I punched him in the eye and he fell down then I started kicking him. When I turned around I found a shocked Nash, hayes, carter, Aaron, and cameron. I just took off running. I knew cameron and hayes would come after me.when I looked back I saw them running after me. When we got to school everyone looked at me with fear. Probably because I had Taylor's blood on my hand. I ran to the bathroom and started cleaning my hand. Then the door opened again to show cameron, carter and hayes.

" Why the fuck would you do that to him"

" You do it to me so I would shut up!"

Hayes started walking forward so I kicked him and he fell down then cameron came to me and started beeting me I got a few punched in. Everything when black after a few seconds.

Carter POV

Cameron started beating the shit out of Matt.


He stopped and left with his boy toy hayes. I walked over to Matt. And he looked bad so I picked him up and got into my car with him. When I got to my house I picked his small skinny frame up and brought him to my room. I laid him down in my bed and went to the bathroom to get a rag. I dipped it into some warm water. And when back to Matt. I started cleaning his face. I feel so bad I did this to my baby, I just left him and I watch him get beat up.

He started waking up slowly when he was fully awake he looked at my with horror in his eyes.

" I'm not gonna hurt you Matt no one is"

" whyy a-are you help helping me?"

" because I love you!"

He relaxed a little bit and fell asleep. I laid next to him and pulled him into my chest. I missed him so much. I missed his laugh his smile. I never saw it anymore. His eyes never sparkled like they used to.

I woke up before Matt so I decided to go downstairs. I pick Matt up and brought him down stairs and laid him on the couch. I went to the kitchen and made two sand witches and got two glasses of root beer matts favorite. I walk back over two him and set everything down. I sat on the end cause Matt was taking up most of the room. Matt started waking up after I turns the tv on. He looked around then his eyes found me. His mood changed to scared once more. I sighed and looked at him.

Matt POV

I woke you on someone's couch and I looked around and then my eyes met carters I didn't want to be here I want to go home away from everything and everyone. Carter sighed and kept staring at me. " um I think I should go." I got up and my stomach hurt and I winced as I walked to the door. I guess Carter knew I was in pain cause got up and followed me I was about open the door but carters hand pushed the door back.

He soon put his Arms around my waist and whispered in my ear " you shouldn't go." I really wanted to but before I could he.....

Sorry I haven't updated I've been busy with school. Anywhore you should check out my two new books ones jack&jack and the second is nash&Hayes so go check them out. Also please request anything o2l or magcon! peace✌️

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