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"MAX....TIME TO GET READY FOR SCHOOL" I hear my mom say as I strugglers get out of bed. "MAX!!"
"I'm up mom" I reply. As I get my outfit on or as I call it my disguise to get away from the world I brush my... "MAX GET DOWN HERE NOW THE BUS IS HERE". I get on the bus and my bully Kate talks to me. "What's wrong

now max are you sad because your mom gave birth to a dirty slut like you?" I shake it off and ignore her, "HEY macaroni I'm talking to you do you hear me? Answer me you little..." "calm down kids" the bus driver says "your lucky the bus driver was here,I'll see you at school;)" the hole bus ride to school was hell! As I try to hold back the tears I read my book, "oooo! Twilight" this girl says. "I like your style wanna hang out?" Of course me being the loser i am I say yes. "Sick!" She responds. Fast forward to after school my new friend was no where to be seen so I walk home then I hear. "Oh macaroni where are you I can smell you !" "What do you want?" I say, just then she throws me to the ground and starts kicking me. "Stop stop please" I say, she keeps doing it then after 10 minutes she picks me up and punches me in the face. "Don't fuck with me again you dirty whore" she says.

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