The Greeting

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I wake up with a yawn, stretching my arms as far as they can go. With disoriented vision, I look at my calendar, which is situated above my desk. I rubbed my eyes to read the date properly. April 1st. The significant thing about today, is not that it's April Fool's Day, but infact the day that I start school and as the realisation hits me, I grin the most excited smile.

Some may wonder why I'm specifically this excited for school. Well, I'm not just going to any old school. I'm starting as a 1st Year High School Student at Ouran Academy! It's meant to be one of the best schools in Japan and after completing several hours of research about it, I've all ready fallen in love with the idea of attending there!

With it being one of the best schools in Japan, it's incredibly hard to get in. Luckily, my family know people, who know people, who know people, who know people, so it only took a couple of times persuading whoever's in charge of Ouran to let me in. Of course, that doesn't mean that I'm unitelligent...I'm not. I exceeded in all my subjects during Middle School, something I wish to continue in High School. 

With the mention of my family, you may wondering who I am. Well, my name is Sato Akimi. I'm fifteen years old and I have three siblings; two older brothers and one younger brother. My father is Japanese and my mother is half-English. They met shortly after my father had settled in England, the country I have grown up in. But now, I'm living in the country where my roots are...Japan. 

After excitedly getting ready, I walk down the stairway towards the entrance of our house. Behind me, is my younger brother, who's starting his third year in Middle school. He's dressed in white, whilst I have to wear a bright yellow dress. It's not the most pleasurable thing to dress in...

Eventually, after a load of comments on our uniforms from our mother, me and younger brother set off for school in our family's car. of them, anyway. The reason why we know so many people and own so many cars, is because my father is a very important business man. His business is in the music industry, but from then on, it gets complicated and hard to explain. 

Arriving at the school, my lips part in amazement. The entrace was grand, as was the rest of the exterior, with a wide door inviting students in. The grass was mowed beautifully, with every blade cut to precision. My younger brother sighed as he noted my enthusiasm, before exiting the car and hurrying along to the Middle school. I, on the other hand, could've stayed in the car all day, looking at the architecture of the school, but the driver was getting impatient. 

"Are you going to go to school or not?" 

Looking into his direction, I say, "As as matter of fact, I am," before un-fastening my saftey belt and getting out of the car. As soon as I shut the door, the car drove away, allowing more cars to drop off students directly at the entrance. I glanced around and observed every student individually. I frowned as I noticed most of them, including first years, were in friendship groups. The majority of the girls were squeeling about something, but I couldn't quite make out what. Sighing and my head lowered, I start to walk into the school. I would've made it without a fuss, if it wasn't for the boy who stopped me in my tracks.

"Why are you so sad, princess?" he asked, holding my chin his delicate fingers. 


"Kyoya-senpai," he called, without taking his eyes off of me. "Is this by any chance one of the newest princesses to arrive today?"  A black haired boy looked up from a notebook he was writing in and nudged his glasses up. 

"I believe it is, Tamaki," he says, glancing at me then back at Tamaki. 

"What's your name, princess?" Tamaki asked, curious.

"What is this? Some perverted way of greeting me?" I blurted out, shrugging. Tamaki's blue eyes widened and he rushed to a corner, whimpering. This was what I was looking forward to? 

Another tall dark haired boy turned up and stood next to Kyoya. Next to him, was a total opposite; a small, blonde haired boy, carrying a pink bunny with him. 

"What's wrong with Tama-chan?" the blonde hair boy asked Kyoya. Kyoya's gaze remained on me as if his gaze answered the boy's question. The boy nodded once, smiling before skipping over to Tamaki. "Would you like some cake, Tama-chan? You can join me and Usa-chan!" He held his pink bunny in the air, grinning. The tall dark haired boy, who was stood next to Kyoya, walked over to his blonde companion. 

"That's enough, Mitsukuni," he says, putting his hand on Mitsukuni's shoulder. Mitsukuni turns to face him and pouts slightly, before reaching his hands out. The rest between them is a blur to me, as two faces pop up in front of me. 

"Let's play the "Which one is Hikaru?" game!" they exclaimed, in unison. I stepped back a couple of steps, before realising that all of the friendship groups had seemed to merge as one. Murmurs were spreading, squeels of delight passing through almost simultaenously. I point a finger and part my lips as if I was trying to speak, when Kyoya interrupted me. 

"Karou, Hikaru. That's enough." Karou and Hikaru look at each other, before walking away to the left and standing where Kyoya was standing. Kyoya closes his notebook, nudges his glasses up and clears his throat. "There is nothing perverted about the club's aim," he explains. "We are a Host Club; where making people happy is our main objective." Squeals from the crowd behind me kicked off. "Tamaki is the president of the club," Kyoya adds, ignoring the girls. I lower my head. 

"I see," I say, quietly. Kyoya smiled.

"So, please. Keep your thoughts about the Host Club to yourself."  And with that, he opend his notebook and started to write again. My gaze turning towards the right, I noticed Mitsukuni on top of his friend's shoulders, whilst Karou and Hikaru talk to Tamaki. I watch and, a couple of seconds later, Tamaki starts throwing a tantrum. Wanting to know his reaction, I turn to face Kyoya. He didn't seem to acknowledge the fact that Tamaki was having a tantrum. 


"It's normal. Completely normal." I nodded and turned to watch Tamaki again. I sighed. It was going to take some time to get used to this...

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