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26 Jan - 10:27 pm

9 days from now, a new chapter of my life is about to begin. One, I'm gonna be a first year senior student (finally). Which means it's my fifth out of six years of high school since that's how it works here in Australia. Two, I'm starting the two most important and final years of high school at a different school. I can't believe that this is reality. It's definitely not how I imagined things would turn out to be. I'm really excited with the thought of a new school year since the 'at home life' is starting to get boring to me. Just the thought of stationery, writing equipment and neat notes already excite the heck out of me. But as soon as I picture Salisbury College, my new high school and some unfamiliar faces my brain made up (though I know our brains can make up a new face), my excitement turns to anxiety. All these "what ifs" and "buts" make me less confident. I know that when I anticipate the best scenarios possible, the opposite usually happens in real life. So what I just do is think of the worst so it will the other way in real life.

But let's not get into the future too much and let me remind myself to remember what happened in the past. The final goodbye has been said just to have an excuse to say hello soon. I know we will meet somewhere sometime. Who knows if we end up attending the same university? If we're in the same class? Or maybe plan to meet at a cafe in 10 years time. Wow, just after saying don't think about the future too much I started blurting out potential events that may occur.

Anyways, let's get back on track again. 

Weeks from today I bid goodbye to my friends, teachers, and schoolmates from Mariala Girls College.

I remember how we took loads of photos...


"Oh my gosh, we should take a lot of photos. You know, it's for memories... it's gonna be the last time we'll see each other for a while." Malia suggested to take loads of photos. And since there's only around 10 of us in class and 6 of them aren't even people we talk to, I agreed to her.

"Wait, let's face this way," she pointed at the window with vertical blinds on them. We even managed to move the blinds apart (since there are missing ones) so we'll have good lighting with enough lighting shining on our faces.

Malia sat on the chair she placed right in front of the huge window whilst Mackenzie sat on the table right behind Malia.

"Where am I gonna sit?" I asked them. Since they're both busy fixing their hair and wiping their faces they probably didn't hear me so whatever I just copied Mackenzie and sat on the desk next to hers.

We first used Malia's phone and throughout the process of filling up her phone with pictures you can hear our laughs and side comments like 'ewww I look so bad', 'that is so nice save it', 'think of other poses', or 'send that to me that photo is so good'.

*end of flashback*

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