Chapter 9: Come back

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Hanji's POV

That night, I sat silently at my bed, about to burst into tears. I wondered what Levi could be doing or thinking. It made me more depressed. I layed down, staring at my phone, thinking if I should text him or not.

I slowly picked my phone up and texted Levi.

"Hey... Don't you want to sort things out?"

I waited for an answer but all he gave was a "seen". I tried again.

"Come on Levi I know you're there. Please. Let's just sort it out. No harm done."

Another "seen". I gave up. I put my phone down and cried on my bed. I burried my face on the pillow, not letting anyone know I'm crying. Heh. Who am I kidding? I'm alone....

I was still hoping for an answer. When there was none, I really gave up. I threw my phone across the room and the screen broke. I didn't care anymore.

I looked around my room, not being able to be still. There was something in my mind telling me to go to him. I don't know... Should I? The thought won't come off my mind. I'm losing it. I tried relaxing myself but still no use.

I can't take it anymore so I stood and dressed up. I walked over and looked around for Levi's house. Knocking at the door (gate's open), I can hear a piano playing.

Is that Levi?

I walked in because the door isn't locked again. I walked to Levi's room and pressed my ear on the door. He was playing the piano. It's such a lovely tune but sad at some time. Also he's....


I didn't want to interrupt but I knocked on his door. The piano suddenly stopped.... There was silence. He opened the door and there he was with a sad expression in his face and his hair all messed up. His room was untidy.... It's not like him to leave it like that.

Looking up at him, I hugged him. "Why not answer my messages?"

"I'm in no mood. Beside what's the point? I can't attend valentines anymore."

"I know but talk to the principal! Make a deal or something!"

"No I'd rather lock myself than go back to the place where everyone looks down at me."


Levi's POV

I felt her warm hug and deep emotions. I pat her head, letting out a sigh. I do want to go back, but not with everyone thinking bad about me. Sure I am a bad boy... But not evil...

I pulled away from the hug. Stopping my tears from falling. I walked back in and put my hands on the keys of the piano. Hanji walked over, took an extra chair and sat next to me. I played soft and sad tunes. I looked slightly at her and she also have a sad expression.

I stopped playing and pulled Hanji close to me. Hugging her, I cried silently. I was stroking her head in the hug. Her soft body has enwrapped me. I closed my eyes.



"Remember that day I told you to convince me?"


"Well... I did like you that time. Or should I say, since my first junior high school year here."

"T-then why? Why put me through all that?!"

"I wanted to make sure you're serious. You just said that you don't have anyone available in your class. I thought you had no choice but me."

"I did tell you that Erwin and Moblit aren't my type."

"My feelings have been played by a girl once. And it hurts. I made sure it won't happen again."

"Oh I see. But I wouldn't do that."

"You wouldn't know."

She let go of the hug and pulled over.



"Come back... Please... there's still hope."

"You think so?"

"Of course!"

"Okay... I'll try."

I smiled...


She stayed at my house for hours. I took care of her for a while. She layed at my bed, she wore my clothes, I taught her piano. We did a lot of activities.

It felt nice... To be loved truelly. No jokes or any pranks. It's all pure love. I thought... She's the one.. And I was right.

I succeeded in impressing her, protecting her, and convincing her. Most importantly, I got her. And she won't leave my side.

Something tells me that I shouldn't let go of this precious flower. That she's my last chance. So I held a promise that I won't.

Hanji's POV

Everything's working out well with us two. I unlocked the side of him that he never show anyone. It felt nice.

Now the only thing left is...

Bring him back to school...


The next day, we went to school. He was in disguise. He wore a cap, a face mask and a jacket. I walked in the office. I took a deep breath, walking to the principal.

I explained things to her and tried convincing her. But it was hard. She was a difficult one. I tried and tried until she told me to call Levi. Levi went in the room, taking off his cap and mask. The principal looked at him.

They talked for a while about why he should come back. It felt like we were there for hours. Wait no.. We WERE there for hours. It took the principal a long time to decide until she started.

"I've decided. Sir Ackerman?"

"Yes ma'am?"

"Welcome back."

Me and Levi boomed with surprise and happiness.

Levi's back... He's back..

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