Chapter Fourteen

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Exaggerated yeses hissed through the air as girls and boys alike victoriously pulled their elbows into their guts. Hoots and hollers came from both genders and high-fives were exchanged across schools. "Mr. Goode. Distribute these to your classmates, please," Grandpa Joe instructed, handing the glow sticks to Matt. "These are to be on your person at all times," he said. Then he pulled out two wads of bright white fabric that seemed to glow all on their own. Like a black light, but in cloth form. "These are your flags. Gentleman, your zone will be the beach to our left. Ladies, the front nine of the golf course to our right, including the forest, but not including the water trap." I heard disappointed moans come from a few of the girls. "First team to capture that opposing team's flag and get it to me will win. The nomination process for captains is now open."

Before I could even register what was happening, I heard Scout. "I nominate Matthew Goode," which was followed by loud cheers and clapping from the boys.

Matt smiled as he handed out the last of the glow sticks. "I accept the nomination."

"Any others," Grandpa Joe asked the boys. Their silence must've been enough of an answer because he announced, "Matthew Goode is the captain for the gentleman."

"Ladies," Woods prompted. "A captain."

There was a moment when none of us said anything. It was Alice, of course, who spoke up first. "I nominate Morgan Goode."

There was an elongated oohhh sound from both teams, suggesting that things had just heated up a little. I couldn't hold back a laugh as I said, "I accept the nomination."

"Any others?" Woods asked us all, to which my sisters answered with a collective no.

Grandpa Joe and Woods exchanged a look. "Well, Solomon," she said. "I'd say things just got interesting."

"Indeed," he agreed, but neither of them smiled. Neither of them even blinked. "Captains, front and center." Alice shoved me forward while Matt weaved his way from the back of the crowd.

"Morgan," my brother spat.

"Matthew," I returned.

Grandpa Joe handed each of us our glowing flags. "Captains. Pick your second in command. If you are captured, your second in command will take over."

Matt and I were both raised to be quick. Live in a life that is fast-paced and the smallest part of a second can make the difference. We had been taught to be sure and decisive, so it came as no shock to me that Matt said, "Scout," just as quickly as I called, "Alice."

Scout and Alice both stepped forward, joining their respective captains. Woods gave the next set of instructions. "Some part of your flag must be visible from ground level and it cannot be hidden on a body—and yes, that includes birds." I wondered what had happened in the past that had prompted that sort of clarification. "I don't want to see any babysitting, any lollygagging, and absolutely no breaking out into any of the song and dance from West Side Story."

"Oh, come on!" I heard a boy cry out from behind us.

"We don't need a repeat of last year, Gordon," Woods scolded, which seemed to result in mutterings of agreement from the boys. "You have five minutes to hide your flags—"

Woods had started to tell us to go, but she was cut off by the man at her side. "Not so fast, Ms. Woods. There's a twist."

Matt and Scout both looked up at the same time, the same bewildered expression on their face. "A twist? Matt repeated. Then he leaned in closer to Grandpa Joe and whispered, "There wasn't a twist last year. We've never done a twist before."

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