Chapter 1: Friends

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Andrew Ryder, ran through the streets of New York, occasionally using his quirk to move over small obstacles while policemen yelled at him for using his quirk in public. [His Quirk: Air Compression, it allows him to compress air into a solid, or solid-like state, usually in the shape of circular platforms about the size of a manhole cover, and then shoot the compressed air into any direction he chooses. Creating these platforms can take time, but he can create some decently powerful ones in a matter of seconds.] Andrew turned into an alley, creating a small platform to shoot him up to the fire escape. He grabbed the ladder, and climbed up, stopping at the 5th floor to crawl through the window. The window belonged to his best friend Nathan Tower's house, or more accurately Nathan's room.

"Andy, you're late!" Nathan exclaimed.

"I wouldn't leave you out to dry Nate. That written exam's going to eat you alive!" Andrew replied.

"That's why I need to study dude!" Nathan complained

The two had set up a studying session in order to pass the written exam for the RA Hero Academy, a new school the press started calling "The American UA". The school had been under construction for nearly five years and recently started advertising itself as the next big hero academy. They also announced they were going to be holding their own sports festival, and even contacted hero agencies to come and watch.

Andrew was tall for a 14-year-old standing at 5 foot 8 inches, or 173 centimeters, with curly orange hair, sturdy green eyes, and a mostly athletic build. As for Nathan, he was shorter at 5 foot 2 inches, or 157 centimeters, black spiky hair, soft gray eyes, and a slim build. Nathan also had a quirk that changed the appearance of his arms, making them the slightly longer than normal, and solid black, with a rubbery texture. Andrew and Nathan were born about a month apart, Andrew being the older and smarter of the two.

Nathan sat down on his bed, opening his textbook in preparation for their study. Andrew grabbed Nathan's office chair and sat in it backwards with his arms crossed on its back. Andrew explained things about the subjects Nathan was studying, occasionally looking at his textbook for a reference, refresh, or to see were Nathan was confused. Andrew was gifted when it came to academics, but the same couldn't be said about Nathan, who could never focus in class, and constantly fell asleep in class. Andrew struggled to get most of the concepts through Nathan's head, as he was constantly distracted by his stuff, whether it be a baseball, trading cards, or a video game.

After 2-3 hours of studying Andrew and Nathan went to the roof of the apartment building to spar with each other, in order to train for the practical exam. At the roof, Nathan put down a basket of snacks and water before they went over the rules of their sparring matches. The rules were as follows, no shots to the groin, yell uncle to surrender, and stop everything if one of them falls off the building. Andrew walked to the northern edge of the building, and Nathan the southern edge. They locked eyes, staring each other down, waiting for each other to move. Only a minute passed before Nathan threw the first punch, by stretching his arm across the building. [His quirk: Rubber Arms, with black rubbery arms, he can stretch his arms about 75 feet, or 23 meters, with very little effort.]

Andrew dodged the punch, noting how his extended punches aren't very fast. He grabbed his arm and pulled him close, but Nathan countered by wrapping his extended arm around Andrew's leg and pulling back. Andrew stomped on Nathan's arm causing it to snap back, putting Nate a little off balance. Andrew ran at Nathan, he hadn't shown off his quirk yet, but he was preparing a small cluster of air in his left palm. Nathan regained his balance and prepared to sling himself out of Andrew's way. Andrew threw a right hook at Nathan, as he slung himself to his right.

"To slow!" Nathan commented.

This turned out to be a mistake for Nathan, as Andrew had raised his left palm, and shot Nathan in the face with a highly pressurized blast of air, knocking him to the ground. Nathan quickly threw his left fist at Andrew's jaw, landing a clean hit as Andrew stumbled from the recoil of his attack, knocking him to the ground as well. Nathan slowly dragged himself to the east edge of the building by retracting his arms. Andrew wasn't very good at taking hits compared to Nathan, who despite having rubber arms was very rubbery all around, and could easily take a few hits. Andrew rolled onto a solid air platform he created in a crouched position and shot himself into the air about 66 feet, or 20 meters. Nathan tried to grab him with fully extended arms, but he was out of reach, and now standing on a solid air platform. Andrew grabbed the edges of the platform and positioned himself beneath it by hanging upside down. Then shot himself at Nathan, tackling him, cracking the solid concrete roof's surface.

"Son of a..." Nathan uttered quietly and in pain.

Nathan shoved Andrew off him, grabbed his legs, and then began spinning him like a discus. Andrew created a solid air platform for him to slam into, which shattered, but stopped Nathan from throwing him. Nathan's arms laid on the ground, as he was dizzy. Andrew grabbed Nathan's wrists and ran at him, attacking him with his own hands. Nathan snapped out of his daze and retracted his arms, but Andrew still had a hold of his wrists. Andrew pulled Nathan's arms as he kicked him in the gut. Nathan furiously spun around wrapping up his arms, in order to give himself him the opportunity to flip Andrew over his back and slam him into the ground.

"GET READY FOR PAIN!!!" Nathan screamed.

Nathan used this trick before, so Andrew instinctively let go. Nathan's arms slammed into the ground, and then snapped back from his minor stretching. Andrew kicked Nathan's back, making him fall face first. Andrew quickly made a platform to shoot him away from Nathan, as Nathan whipped his arms behind him. Nathan's hand hit Andrew's knee as he flew back, causing him to clench his entire body, and put his landing off balance. Andrew stumbled backward and fell into a kneeling position to creating a solid air platform to shield him from Nathan's incoming left jab. While Nathan's left jab bounced off the platform, his right hook went around it, hitting Andrew's shoulder.

"Aahh..." Andrew muttered.

He brushed it off, and used his shield to blast Nathan with a gust of wind, and then began to run a quarter circle around him. Nathan interrupted him by tripping him with an extended arm. Andrew slid after hitting the ground scraping himself, then rolled onto an angled platform to shoot himself up and over Nathan as fast as possible. Once he landed behind Nathan, he created a platform in front of him and as Nathan turned around he pulled him onto it, took a step back, and shot Nathan into the air. Nathan wasn't use to being thrown into the air, so he panicked, and ended up falling off the side of the building.

The match ground to a halt, it only lasted about 15 to 20 minutes. Nathan was out of sight, and Andrew ran to the edge of the building he fell off of. When he looked down he saw Nathan hanging off the fire escape, and he was relieved that he didn't make a splat. Nathan's arms were slowly stretching, and lowering him to the ground, only letting go once his feet were only a meter above the ground. Andrew ran down the stairs to meet Nathan, who was rubbing his arms.

"Holy crap! I've never stretched my arms that far!" Nathan said excitedly, and with heavy breath.

"Are you okay!? Why are you rubbing your arms!?" Andrew worried.

"I'm fine, and my arms just a little sore, like I pulled a muscle or something." Nathan answered.

Andrew put his hand on Nathan's shoulder, and he winced a little. The building was 25 stories tall, making it just under 95 yards, or 87 meters. Nathan didn't know how far he could stretch his arms, only that they get sore somewhere around 80 feet, and that he definitely went beyond that.

"Why don't we go back to the roof and eat something?" Nathan suggested.

"It's fine, I grabbed the basket. Let's just eat in your room." Andrew said calmly.

The boys walked down the stairs a few floors, since they met halfway, and sat down in Nathan's room. They began to eat the Ham and Cheese sandwiches Nathan made for them along with some gummy fruit snacks, two apples, and water. Andrew turned on some music after his first bit, and the two jammed out until he was an hour away from his curfew, and then he left through the window like usual, only to come back the next afternoon to rinse and repeat.

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