chapter 10 hospital and training.

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Kimo waited for yoh to wake up, he was sitting next to him in the hospital room.
His face was showing a worried expression, what did happend to him and who did that yoh. Maybe it was that Hao, I never liked him a second that he is that close to Yoh.

A young girl with medium length blonde hair, with a red bandana on her head.
She wqs wearing a short blue mini dress, she wore on her neck a necklace.
She stood before the house of Yoh but nobody was home.
" come forth spirit" the girl said.
A ghost appeared before her,
" track him for me" the girl said to the ghost, she handed him yohs his shirt.

The ghost smelled the human scent. The ghost floated to the air making his way to the hospital. The girl was walking behind him.

" huhmm a hospital. He is still too weak. I really do have to train him otherwise my dream to becoming shaman queen will be gone" the young girl said.

Yoh became to wake up in the room of the hospital.
He saw Kimo sitting next to him.
" hey Kimo, got a hell of a ride didn't I" yoh said amused.

" I been worried about you yoh, you are not alone going for a walk, we will go toghter" Kimo said angryed how yoh was responding to this situtian.

" A next time will not be happening, because my dear Yoh will train by my rules" the young girl said. She come in the room following behind the ghost.

" Anna what are you doing here, didn't you wait for the second round to come to me" Yoh said to the young girl with the name Anna.

" if I waited till then, than you would not even make it till the second round, you slack to much yoh, I will put you under my training, so that you will filfull your promise to me and become the shaman king" Anna said.

" ooo wait a minute who the hell do you think you are speaking to my brother Yoh like that" Kimo asked.

" I am his fiance and you will also train with yoh, to make you both stronger and your teamwork" Anna answered.

" Anna, I am a little hurt and my legs need a day of rest maybe tommorow, we do your training" yoh said.

" No, you are fine most of your wounds already healed, you will begin right this moment by getting your lazy ass of that bed" anna said angry, she walked to yoh and graped him by the arm. She made him sitting with a pained expression on his face.

" You witch be a little carefull you can kill yoh with that, are you really his fiance or the witch of the north" Kimo screamed.

" Anna could you please be a little nicer, my body still hurts, and Kimo she is really my fiance her name is Anna kyoyama" yoh said.

" That's right and soon to be Anna Asakura" Anna said to Kimo

" Yoh why don't we leave her here alone, I don't like her" Kimo said.
" I can seal you away spirit away, I am a itako, I can seal and summon spirits, so don't you make me angry at you" Anna said, she pointed with her fingers to Kimo.
Who was looking not happy at her.

" Enough both of you" Yoh said.

" Alright Yoh, I will try to stop if she does that too" Kimo said.

" You both listen up, we are going back to the house you live here in Tokyo, and than you both will be trained" Anna said.

" what makes you think that I will listen to you, yoh why don't you choice another fiance" Kimo said.
Anna looked at Kimo with a angry expression.

" please stop both, Kimo we will listen to Anna she just want to help us, isn't that right Anna" Yoh asked.
Anna nodded looking at Yoh, with her amber eyes.

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