chapter 21

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Sarah pov

I wasn't about to stay at the house sick or not blade is missing and I need to find out where he was he's the only one that can help me out with this shit.

I was listening to hell and back by NBA youngboy when a call came through on the Bluetooth "hello?" I said "Sarah where you at Nigga rin worried about your ass" it was ace "ace I'm ok fam just meet me by the new wherehouse "ty a real one he and a few of my other crew members found me a new warehouse I owe them one "ok send me the address "

"Ok I will " I said and hung up the phone and sent ace the address

I pulled up to the new warehouse and ace met me there I got out the car and walked inside. "Man this place is nice* I said as I took the elevator to my office with ace following me

I sat at my desk "first off I wanna say thank you ty for getting the new place second we need to figure out what the fuck happened to blade " ace sat down in front of my desk " imma be real Sarah we both know rose isn't dead what if she kidnapped blade "I sat there thinking. There's no way in he'll blade would let his guard down" rose isn't that crazy to go after blade "
'or is she" ty leaned against a wall " wait if you killed rose how would she still be alive you said you shot her in the head right " I thought about it for a second "it's possible to come back from a gunshot to the head "

After a few hours of talking to ace and ty I was in my office alone just thinking about my next move i got bored and walked out of the werahouse to my car a call came in on the Bluetooth "I know where you are babygirl " rosee voice blasted through the speakers of my car I knew this bitch wasn't dead "where is blade bitch I know you kiddnapped him " I was driving home but then I thought what if she has someone following me

"He's somewhere probably passed out I'm not telling you were he is " that right there just Anwsered my question " you better hope I don't fi..., I gripped my left arm as I felt a sharp pain shot through it "AGH FUCK" I heard rose laughing "what's wrong Sarah your heart still giving you trouble " I had to pull over to the side so I wouldn't reck into anyone I sat there with my eyes closed trying to calm myself down I'm under why to much stress right now..."don't fuckin worry about me better hope I don't find you " another call came through it wqs rin I just hung up on rose "hey baby I'm on my way home Sorry I up and left like that " I started driving again "where did you go "

"I went to the new warehouse to talk to ace and ty about blade " I looked in my rear view mirror and seen a red car following me "baby Imma call you back I got this red car following me imma try to lose it" I hung up the phone and sped up turning corners trying to lose the car but it was close behind me "wtf man" I pulled into a parking lot by the club we went to that night and got out putting my gun in my back pocket "the person got out of the car "long time no talk cuzzo"

"no fuckin way....."

A/N I'm so so so sorry for the late update. Imma get back on track I promise. It's not a long chapter but it's something 👀 so the rose is alive don't ask me how Idk myself the bitch crazy and you can't kill crazy

Anyway vote comment thank you guys for 600 views ^~^

Love Ronnie ❤

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