"Can you imagine Gwen's pregnancy "

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Can you imagine Guinevere feeling unexplainably ill for no apparent reason at all and deciding the best course of action was to go get a check up from the court Physician (Gaius) and The Court Warlock  (Merlin)?

Can you imagine Gaius and Alice's three year old sons , Eban and Jaron, playing near by as their parents tried to get them to quiet down , but Merlin stopping them -- saying he already knew what was wrong?

Can you imagine Merlin's face splitting grin when he tells her she's just a little pregnant and Gwen's joyfilled laughter after hearing this?

Can you imagine Lancelot's face as he fell through the door with Leon after Gwen, Gaius,  and Merlin were late for a council meeting, and saying "She's what?!" Causing Merlin to start laughing?

Can you imagine Percival, Gili, George, and Geoffrey not being surprised what so ever because they all had a kid by that time and could tell when someone was pregnant, except for Will who spent most of his time with Gwaine , the other knights,and his kids  ,and was to busy (or drunk to notice)?

Can you imagine them (Percival, Gili, George , Geoffrey, Lancelot, Gaius,  Leon, Merlin, and all the wives ) rolling their eyes as  The knights (including Will ) and Arthur failing to understand that Gwen was trying to tell them that she was pregnant?

Can you imagine Merlin getting so fed up with their stupidity that he shouts "SHE'S PREGNANT YOU DOLLOPHEADS!" and Gaius not even commenting on it because he was getting annoyed as well?

Can you imagine Arthur falling out of his seat with the most comical expression of shock on his face ?

Can you imagine Will and Gwaine with their feet on the table, leaning back in their chair simultaneously spitting out their mead and falling backwards in shock, before shouting in unison "YOU'RE WHAT?" At the same time as Elyan?

Can you imagine Elyan's angered expression before he shoots up -- and Gwaine and Will whistling ,before commenting "You might wanna run, Princess" and "Boy he's madder than my wife's sixteen older brothers were when they found out we were dating "?

Can you imagine Arthur jumping up with a look of pure terror on his face as he ran out of the castle with Elyan hot on his heels , screaming "PENDRAGON, YOU ARE SO DEAD! YOU GOT MY BABY SISTER PREGNANT ?!!" And none of the guards stopping him, because they knew how protective he was of his sister?

Can you imagine Merlin ,Gaius, Geoffrey  , George, Percival, the girls, and Lancelot trying to stop Elyan from murdering Arthur, while Gwen shook her head, Leon joined in on trying to kill Arthur, and  Gili, Will, and Gwaine laughed their a$$es off ?

Can you imagine Percival and Eliose along with their daughter (along with the others who had children) keeping Gwen company when it got to hard to move?

Can you imagine Gwen's werid eating habits that followed soon after (like burned rabit meat dipped in roasted sugar and blended fruits, such as raspberries, orange juice, lemon juice, black berries, and tree sap) and Arthur getting Majorly grossed out by this?

Can you imagine Gwen snapping at Arthur several times  a few months into her pregnancy , especially when he was mean to Merlin, who was only trying to do what was best for him, her, and their unborn child?

Can you imagine Gwen's maidservant , Sabelina Susanney The Slayer (Geroge's wive) , comforting her during this difficult time and being sneaky by getting Arthur to leave her alone ,by tricking him into hanging out with his friends?

Can you imagine Percival's three year old- daughter , Estrella The Extraordinary,  sitting by her auntie Gwen and telling her  "He'll be very healthy and powerful, though he'll be an a$$ for awhile " and not understanding why her parents were so upset when she was only telling the truth?

Can you imagine her looking up at her mother with the widest eyes and telling her "don't worry mommy, you'll be having one too-- only a little while after Auntie Gwennie does. And he'll be really, really shy " ?

Can you imagine Eloise's shock when she does indeed turn out to be pregnant?

Can you imagine Gwen's shock when her first child is a healthy boy?

Can you imagine Arthur and Gwen naming him "Cesar" after Merlin suggested it?

Can you imagine them naming Merlin his godfather?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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