chapter 10

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5 months later

I have mastered all different magic and the day has finally come for me to leave
Now its time for me to be Qween for Angel and my kingdom

We believe in you Lu

Yeah Lucy give it all your got

I will for my kingdom and for Angel

We know you'll win

I was about to leave when I heard Gajeel calling out my name

Wait up i'm going to come with you remember

How could I forget you bye guys
Oh and Sherry you should tell Ren your feelings before I get back because you'll be happy at his answer I promise and Lyon keep working hard and become stronger than Gray for me and you might get Juvia also show her you truly care for her do something special for her you'll also be happy of her answer than sheria promise to keep on doing you best for me and everyone else give me a suprise that I won't ever forget show me the real you because your stronger than you think i'll miss you guys and i'll bring back piece to the Demon realm for us and them we can all become a happy family again don't forget me while i'm gone guys

We'll make you happy we promise

Please bring back the piece to the Demon relem

We want to live there again and never leave their again we want to stay with you when your Qween even if it mean we lose everyone else we want to be with you and be a happy family together

I promise i'll bring back piece for our family's and those two monsters are going to pay for what they have done to the people I love the most

Can I tell you something

Okay what it

Would you be my girlfriend

Yes and I kissed him and he kissed me back

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