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"Ky, let me explain-"

"How dare you cheated on me?! How dare you dated other girls from your school while I'm busy with my studies to make you proud of me?"

Mist formed my eyes.  I can't imagine how Laurence did this to me. We've been together for 7 months and hell, I just know that I am not the only girl he's dating with.

"I am not cheating on you! Ky, listen babe, Johanna is not my girlfriend. I.. She's just my close friend from my Physics class. We.. I mean, I never courted her. She's just a friend--"

"A friend." I cut him off.

"Hmm, a friend who lets you go with you on parties, a friend whom you are texting with goodnights and goodmornings, a friend whom you call sweetie, a friend who lets you sleep with you." I smirked. "A friend huh?"

"I'm sorry."

My heart sunk. So, it's true. Damn it.

Still, I managed to smile. "Well, good luck to your new sweetheart. This is over. Let's break up."

I took my step away after saying those words. Three steps away from him when he said something that made me grin.

"As if I don't know what you did to me last month, Ky." I stopped from my tracks. "You're dating Nathaniel while we're still together. You let Mark go with you to your writing contest when it should be me. In the very first day, I thought you loved me. But as months  goes  by, I  realized you're  just making fun of me and my feelings.  You let me believe that I am just the  one, when in fact, we are three you're  dating. I thought you've changed. I thought you did."

A wide grin plastered my face before facing him. "So what now?" I asked mockingly. "So you're dating other girls just to take revenge for what I did to you?" I smiled looking down on my shoes. "Well first, I'm sorry. Believe me or not, yes I actually did what you said a while ago. But I want you to believe me that I fell in love with you. Second, I didn't care about them anymore the moment I realized that I love you. Third, I'm sorry but I have to split up with you." I said with finality on my voice.

I  walk away from Laurence as fast as I could, every step I'm taking away, is every step I'm walking out of his life. Yes, I did wrong. But, I didn't expect that he would do that for payback on what I did to him.

He did that when I was sure about my feelings for him. He took revenge when I already loved him.

I felt my throat hurts as I was forcing back the sobs that is going to escape from my mouth anytime.

"Oh you're early now sweetheart, didn't have any meetings with the student council?"

I quickly remove my converse shoes and head towards the kitchen where mom is.

Ignoring her question, I jumped at the kitchen counter and sit. I watched mom wiping her hands on the apron she's wearing.

"What are you cooking?" I asked. "Well, I felt bored and I have no schedules for any of my classes today, in case you're wondering why I came home early." I said picking an apple of the basket beside me.

"Hmm, really." She said busy on what she's doing. "Why not help me babysit Idan? He's there in the living room watching TV."

I groaned. Ugh, let me do anything. I hate babysitting my stubborn little brother. He always put my temper to the highest level. Geez.

"Geesh. I have shamthing tso do momfh." I said busy chewing the apple on my mouth.

Before mom could react, I jumped down the counter and run towards my room.

I locked the door beside me and I slumped down my bed. With a sigh, I immediately get my laptop and logged in on my Facebook account.

I clicked on the friend requests button and read some users adding me.

Tasha Ramirez 56 mutual friends

Tyler Rod 2 mutual friends

Gabbi  Harrenford 125 mutual friends

Aries Rent 208 mutual friends

Billie Jamie 65 mutual friends

I stopped scanning when a name caught my attention.

Aries Rent. Oh, this is the hottie from my Physical Science class.

I stalk his profile before I hit the confirm button.

Shutting down my laptop, I pushed my face down my pillow and let myself cry.

What the hell. Was love isn't really for me? Am I really destined to be alone? My lovelife's already fucked up. Damn it.

I let myself cry the hell out of me until my eyes have no more tears to shed.

I heard soft knocks on my door and whoever it is, I have no plans to open it.

The next thing I know, my eyes slowly opened, the sunlight hitting my face woke me up.

I look at the clock on my study table. 8:30 am. Damn it!

I hurriedly jumped down my bed and headed towards the bathroom.

Great. I skipped 2 meals, dinner yesterday and breakfast now. And I am not able to attend my first subject. Great. Just great.

I look at myself in the mirror. I gasped at my reflection.

My eyes are very swollen. My eye bags grew bigger than the usual. Great. Now I look like a creepy thing from nowhere.

I mentally laughed. This is all because of the heartbreaking moment yesterday. Tss.


Another storyyyy! Waaaa! Sana po suportahan niyo. Hihi

 Ky Adamson on the media.

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