第三章 O

232 14 1

Byusong woke up at some tappings on her shoulder. She opened her eyes, and saw Renjun smiling at her.

"I am sorry, was I asleep for too long?"

Byusong asked as she watched her male friend shrug his shoulders. She lifted her head up but a massive headache hit her.

"Are you okay?"

Renjun asked, his head tilted sideways. Byusong nodded lightly and rubbed her temples.

"Yeah, I am fine. Just a headache."

Byusong answered but Renjun wasn't convinced. He went up to her and checked her temperature by placing his hand on her neck.

"Byusong, you have a fever. Are you sure you want to go to the clinic?"

"Nope, I am fine."

Byusong insisted making Renjun more concerned. He wasn't taking no as an answer and dragged her to the clinic. He took her wrist and left the classroom.

"Renjun, we might be marked as absent if we're not at the--"

"It's fine, we have a valid excuse anyway."

Renjun answered as he opened the door the clinic. One of the nurse smiled and looked at the two of them.

"How may I help you?"

"Miss, she has a fever."

Renjun answered making the nurse check her temperature. Her lips formed a straight line and grabbed something from the cabinet.

"Okay, but we have to make sure."

The nurse stuck a thermometer in Byusong's armpit and told her to wait a minute before taking it out. The nurse was fixing some papers and her eyes later landed on Renjun.

"How about you? Do you have some medical problems that I can assist?"

"No.. I just came to accompany her."

Renjun pointed at Byusong. They heard a faint clicking sound and the nurse gestured Byusong to come closer. Byusong gave the thermometer back to the nurse and sat down on one of the chairs.

"Oh no, your temperature is 38.9. We need to send you home before you manage to make your other classmates sick."

"But I can--"

"I am sorry but it's better to miss school than to make your other classmates sick."

The nurse explained making Byusong quiet. The nurse took Byusong's ID, probably trying to dial her parent's number. The numbers of the student's parents or guardians are on the back of their ID incase of emergencies.

"I am sorry, none of your parents are picking up. Do you--

"I can bring her home, miss."

Renjun answered making both the nurse and Byusong widen their eyes, shocked.

"No, you can't bring Byusong home just like that. You might--"

"No, it's fine miss. Our home is just near here."

Renjun answered, making the nurse convinced. Byusong was still at a shocked state so she spoke up about it.

"Alright, fine, just.. here."

The nurse signed two papers and both Renjun and Byusong furrowed their eyebrows in confusion.

"What's this?"

"This paper is the permit of leaving the school and the other one is for you, Renjun."


"It's an excuse letter. I signed it so the teacher won't mark you as absent or tardy today since you helped Byusong."

"Really? Thank you."

"Byusong, is it okay if Renjun walks you home for today?"

All eyes were on Byusong and she suddenly grew nervous. She nodded her head slowly making Renjun flash a small smile.

"Okay, you two can go now."

The nurse instructed and the two thanked her. Renjun gave the permit to the guard and the guard opened the gates for them to exit. The walk was silent until Renjun heard a small yelp.

"Are you alright?"

Renjun asked Byusong as she rubbed her head. Her head felt like someone was drilling inside it and the both of them stopped for a while.

"Can you continue walking?"

"Yup.. I can manage."

Byusong insisted and they continued walking. Renjun would spare a few glance at her, checking if she's alright.

"Are you sure your alright? You aren't even walking straight."

"No, it's just-- Huh?"

Renjun took Byusong's arms and wrapped it around his neck. Byusong was caught-off guard and let out a small scream.

"What the?-- Renjun!"

"Calm down, just hold tight."

Renjun instructed and Byusong slowly obeyed. Renjun carried Byusong and Byusong held onto Renjun's neck tighter as soon as her feet weren't touching the ground.

"I am killing you if ever you managed to let go of me."

Byusong mumbled into Renjun's ears making him chuckle. A sentence stuck onto Renjun's head but he didn't dared to say it to Byusong.. when she's awake anyway.

His ears heard a few soft snores and he knew Byusong already fell asleep. He took a small glance and his lips formed a smile automatically.

"Just collapse into me. Just once. I promise you'll never have to fall again."

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