Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - The 'D-rank'

3rd POV

It's a beautiful day in konohagakure, civilians smile and greet one another, childrens play with their parents laughing in happiness. Always a bright day to start the day.

"Kuso! I'm late!!!" and of course the yells and ruckus of someone's late for the day. "Kaa-san I'm leaving!!"

"Have a nice day Boruto!"

Yes, The son of Naruto and Hinata Uzumaki, Boruto Uzumaki running as fast as he could to the training ground where his team waiting for him.

Meanwhile at the training ground 7, Team 7 waited patiently for their blond teammates. A girl with raven black hair with red glasses sighed and crossed her arms in front of her with a frown on her face, "he's late again Sensei" she grumbled while her feet were tapping impatiently.

Her name is Sarada Uchiha, Daughter of Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha. A pale white boy with a tousled white-blue hair with golden eyes chuckled with a smile, nobody can guess if it a fake smile or not. His name is Mitsuki, Son of Orochimaru.

"Sarada, everyone knows Boruto always late" a boy said after he jumped down from a tree branch with the same frown on his face just like Sarada.

His hair is chin-length that parted to frame the sides of his face, mostly covering his right eye. On his face there's a 2 black markings from his Jaws to his cheeks each. He can be mistaken as a Senju because of his dark red eyes and an Uchiha because of his raven black hair.

"It's a miracle if he's not late" Above his head is his companion, a white small wolf with black tones on his paws and the tip of his tail, his eyes is crimson red like the Sharingan.

The boy name is Yukio Hamato, and his companion is Akumu (it means Nightmare). Yes, Akumu can talk, he is like a partner like the Inuzuka but he is special.

"Sorry everyone for keeping you waiting" came a voice as Boruto skids to a stop next to Sarada with a huff. "Late again Dobe" "what did you said Teme!?" "Dobe" "Teme" "Dobe!" "Teme!"

They glared at each other with annoyance until their Sensei have to separate them.

"Okay okay you two settle down. We have a mission to do" Konohamaru said as he separated the two genin's from fighting. Konohamaru Sarutobi, grandson of the Third hokage and Jounin Sensei of team 7.

They glared then huffed while Yukio face palmed at them. Soon they went off for their mission.


Yukio POV

"WHAT!? A D-RANK AGAIN!? I CANNOT ACCEPT IT DATTEBASA" Boruto yelled crossing his hands forming an 'X', not accepting the truth of a mission, to be honest all of us agreed with the loud blonde.

"Boruto! it's just a mission, and perfect for fresh genin's like you three." Konohamaru reasoned him as the two sighed except Mitsuki and myself of course.

To be honest, they graduated as genin's 3 months ago and still we still stuck with the D-ranks. We'll not me, I'm a Chuunin still got C-ranks and D-ranks.

"cleaning the public library that's all" maybe. I change my mind. This sucks.

*Timeskip again lol*

Currently we have to split up in a two team. Me with Akumu and Mitsuki, while Boruto and Sarada. And so we began to clean the hella library.

"I can't believe we have to clean a library. Ya' think that the clients here are lazy or what" Akumu sighed as he helping me arranging the books by  climbing to the top shelves and placing the books in order.

I sighed as I put the books on the shelf neatly, "I don't know Kumu. I don't know." I replied to him as I cleaned the dust off the books. I was desperately hoping for a C-rank mission after many kinds of D-ranks that I'm stuck with this team.

"I agree to Akumu as well. Nanadaime-sama should gave us a chance for a C-rank." Mitsuki agrees too as he arranged the book on the top shelf with his...well his hands that can stretch out....

Kinda creepy though...Well he is son of Orochimaru.

'I hope those two will get along with it' I thought about Boruto and Sarada as I continue my part.

Boruto POV

I can't believe that we got another D-rank. It making me ticked off! When we will have a C-rank dattebasa!? That old man always gave us D-ranks.

"quit your grumbling nonsense Boruto and get the job finish" Sarada scolded as I glared at her. "I don't want a D-rank after all Sarada!" I said as I put down some scrolls in place.

My eyes catches something interesting from the scrolls as I took one that caught my attention. "Time travel..." I read under my breath as I grinned on my own. Suddenly the scroll was taken from my hand.

"Boruto quit playing around. What are you doing anyway?" Sarada said as she read the title of the scroll. Her eyes widened as she hold it firmly, oh I know that kind of hold.

"this is an S-rank scroll. I should gave this to Konohamaru Sensei." she said as she ran off. no way I'm letting her take that, I found it first! And I'm curious about old man past!

3rd POV

While the silent genin's were arranging the books they stumbled upon the Uchiha and the Uzumaki, arguing for the scroll that Sarada held. She bumped to Yukio and then he bump to Mitsuki making the books that they hold slipped and dropped from their hands.

The scroll slipped from her hands as it dropped and rolled out until it opened revealing a complicated seal, in the middle there is a Kanji that reads 'Time'

While the genin's argued except Mitsuki leaving the scroll unnoticed, two of them accidentally activated their dojutsu. The Sharingan and The Jougan.

Until the scroll shakes lightly and glowed. All the sudden the genin's and Chuunin yelped as they were sucked into the scroll as the last person entered, the scroll closed on itself and stopped glowing.

'Why is an S-Rank scroll is in a public library!!?'

'Yes! The past here I come!'

'Damn Uchiha and Uzumaki!!'

'....i should have expected this'

That's the last thought in their minds before it all went black.

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Hello Everyone! and welcome to my Fanfiction!

Well, this is my second fanfic that I made (which is i deleted the first one :/ and I was thinking to return the story again)

If ya' found some corrections like my grammars and typo's, just say in the comments and I'll fix 'em!

Welp. I hope you enjoy this fanfic!

Ja ne!

- Calypso

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