epigraph: dibs

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EPIGRAPH: dibslos angeles, 1990's _____________

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los angeles, 1990's

the only noise that could be heard in the silent night sky was the sound of adriana's skateboard (that she wasn't supposed to have) scraping against the wall as she lowered it with her tied bedsheets towards the cold cement floor.

once her skateboard successfully landed on the ground with a soft thud, she tied the rest of her bedsheet to the headboard of her bed before slipping her arms into the loops of her black jansport backpack.

she turned and quickly fixed the pillows that were hidden under her blanket to look more like her body before making sure her dresser was completely covering her bedroom door. her bedroom door no longer locked seeing as her mother's boyfriend kicked it down the last time they had gotten into an argument. adriana fucking hated her mother's boyfriend.

the latina then placed one foot on her windowsill as her arm clung onto the window. she then jumped onto the smaller roof that was to right of her window before letting a sigh escape her lips as her body came in contact with the tiled surface. she cursed her mother for choosing to live on the second floor of the apartment complex rather than the first.

she swiftly climbed down from the roof before quietly running towards her board that laid on the floor. she worked quickly as she untied her bedsheets from the truck of her board. once she got the bed sheet off her board she let it hang a few inches off the ground before protectively tucking her skateboard under her right arm.

she then walked towards the broken down fence before quickly throwing her board over it and hopping over. with a content smile adriana let her board fall onto the street floor before she stood on it and began riding deeper into the city. the wind blew her hair crazily around her face and made her regret not wearing some baggy jeans instead of the tight high wasted jean shorts she was wearing.

all her negative emotions completely disappeared from her mind as she did a kickflip in the middle of the street before skating faster. it was 10:56 which gave her 3 hours before her mother's boyfriend would get up to go cheat on her mother which meant she would unfortunately have to return home. but until then she enjoyed the moon shining on her face as she skated past destroyed buildings in her ugly yet beautiful city.

she skidded to a stop once she arrived at her spot. she quickly stepped on the tail of her board that sent it flying upward which allowed the girl to easily collect it from the floor. she walked towards the large oak tree that had a red anarchy symbol painted onto it before she allowed her back to slid against it until she landed on the floor with a thump.

she opened her backpack and pulled out the grinder and ziplock bag of weed as well as some rolling paper. she set her board delicately on her lap before placing all her belongings on top of it. she placed some nug's in the grinder before closing it and grinding the weed into little pieces. she then toke a rolling paper and placed some of the small broken pieces of weed inside of it before placing the joint filter on one side and gently rolled the joint. once she was finished she sealed it and lit one side of the joint & began inhaling the intoxicating drug.

when she was done smoking she threw all her belongings back into her backpack and zipped it up before throwing her joint on the floor and crushing it with the bottom of her shoe. she slipped her backpack back onto her back and grabbed her board from the dirt ground.

she came out from under the tree and threw her board back onto the floor and began skating in the opposite direction of her house. the city was quiet which was unlike how it was durning the day. usually the streets were flooded with cars and there were people everywhere but at night it was as if the world shut down for a few hours. adriana didn't mind it though.

she skated deeper into the city, not knowing where she was going as she just let the board take her wherever. she did a few tricks and messed around before she was interrupted
by a noise, a lot of noise.

adriana furrowed her eyebrows before riding faster, deeper into the city where the noise was coming from. she didn't know whether it was actually noise or if she was just too high to even know what was happening. but she was intrigued.

the deeper into the city she went the louder the noise grew and the closer she got to it. just as she reached the peak of her curiosity she found where the noise was coming from.

a group of teen boys, one with beautiful long blonde curly hair, another with a buzz cut who was followed by a guy with small black dreads skated past her. but the person who caught her attention the most was a boy in the very back with light pink hair who held a cam corder in his hands. the two skated past each other, not bothering to look at the road as their eyes locked onto one another, taking in the other's appearance.

before either of them could exchange any words the boy with light pink hair broke their eye contact as his board hit a pebble sending him flying off of it. his board flew towards adriana which made her quickly skid to the side so she wouldn't fall off her own board.

"oh shit, fourthgrade you good bro?" the boy with long blonde curly hair screamed from up-ahead as he turned around and skated back towards the boy who laid on the ground
and clutched his head.

"damn how did u eat shit that bad?" the boy with the buzz cut asked fourthgrade as he got off his board and approached him. the three boys crowded around fourthgrade as he still clutched his head. "did the hot girl distract you or something?" the boy with small dreads asked as he let a laugh escape his lips making all the other boys but fourthgrade laugh.

"damn was she that hot? i didn't even get that good of a look at her." the boy with long blond hair admitted as he turned back towards where the girl had previously been at.

"what the fuck." he said before walking off towards something. his words caught the other boys attention as they helped fourthgrade off the ground before walking towards their friend.

"what's wrong?" the boy with the buzz cut asked as he approached his friend who was gawking at something. his question was answered as he observed the freshly red anarchy symbol that had been sprayed on the wall.

directly under that was fourthgrade's board resting nicely against the wall. "who the fuck was that and how the fuck did she have time to do all of this?" the guy with the small dreads asked as he placed his finger on the wall which collected some of the fresh paint from it.

he rubbed his fingers together as fourthgrade spoke, "i don't know, but i call dibs."

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