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I walked through the clubhouse running a hand through my hair in frustration. I had spent the last two days looking for leads on where the Highway Men had gotten to, with little to show for it.

After the shit show with Flick and him walking in on me and Dove, I had been working on finding where these sick sons of bitches were hiding out in Angel Falls. It wasn't an easy job, but knowing that a threat that big was as close as it was to Dove, it lit a fire under my ass to find the bastards and get rid of them.

I knocked on Gunner's office door once before pushing it open, he was on the phone, holding a finger up for me to wait. I sighed, slumping myself into one of the chairs that were on the opposite side of his desk.

"Yes baby... I know... yes... yes... of cause..." he rubbed his forehead. "You can't baby proof the club house... because... no... Mack I said no, now stop it... baby I know you're freakin' out, trust me I know, but thinkin' like this won't help things, you need to rest while you can... okay, okay... yes... I love you too... bye."

"Baby proof the club house?" I asked smirking.

"Shut it." He sighed. "That fuckin' woman will drive me insane I swear it. She's all but wrapped our fuckin' house in bubble wrap, says everything is too dangerous for her baby."

"Her baby?" I asked chuckling.

"Yes, hers. I apparently lost all say in our child the moment she found out she was pregnant." He sighed shaking his head, a slow smile working across his face. "She's fuckin' crazy, but she'll be the best mother. I wouldn't want anyone else popping my kid out that's for damn sure."

I shook my head. "Isn't there some kinda sayin' about fools in love?"

He smirked at me. "Like you're one to talk."

"I ain't in love." I denied. "Way too soon for that... isn't it?"

"You can't put a time limit on that shit brother. Sometimes it's slow, and sometimes it smacks you so hard across the head you see stars."

I rubbed my mouth, remembering my reaction to seeing Dove for the first time. I was lost to her from the moment I saw her, and she wasn't even fucking conscious when I did.

But was it love? I didn't know what love was, how could I say that I loved her when I had no idea what that word meant.

I liked Dove a lot, a lot

I fought with my best friend, caused a mess with the club, stalked her across town until I found her... is that what love is? Losing your shit over someone so badly. Losing control of yourself? Changing things about yourself that you didn't think you wanted or even could change, all while not even knowing what it was about or why you wanted to do it?

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