Chapter 5

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Author's note: I know, several of the "OASES" Chapters are TOO frickin' long for the wattpad norm. This one for example. Sorry!  And, fyi... this one gets kinda sexy.

The morning after.

"Monty, what have you planned for us today?" Samhal asked as he kicked dirt over their breakfast fire with a deft little two-step.

Samhal was way too chipper this morning for Flynn's liking. Samhal's moody blues of last night had bleached away under the intense light of dawn. He was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as a squirrel in Spring.

There was no spring in Flynn's step. He was dragging his butt around the campsite like a whipped dog.

He had looked the fool in front of Julie McNeill and it stuck deep in his craw. He couldn't understand why really. So what if she'd seen his dick... with a semi-woody? Big deal. But he should've left it at that. He should never have used his stupid neck Buff as a god-damned mini-skirt! He shook his head, rolled his eyes, imagining the image. On the bright side, if humility were a virtue then he'd paid down a whack of his Karmic deficit.

"'Ground control to Major Tom'," Samhal sang out. "Monty, do you have plans for us today? Have you formulated a strategy to verify what those riders were doing last night?"

Over breakfast Flynn had briefed Samhal about the action at the oasis. He'd omitted the Julie McNeill stuff.

"Um, I dunno know yet, Sammy," Flynn answered absently. "But I s'pose we better drive over to that rendezvous site and see if we can find anything. It's doubtful. But it's something." And, he hoped to himself, maybe it'll take my mind off last night's trans-gen performance.

"May I humbly suggest something, boss?"

"Fire away, mon ami; I'm all outta ideas."

Samhal told Flynn that maybe he was correct about Veerona: the village appearing suspiciously prosperous. He pointed out that Jiddah and Dahab seemed to have unlimited funds; taking extravagant vacations like they were living the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Maybe it wasn't a coincidence the rendezvous had taken place so close to the settlement. Maybe Veerona was dealing opium for the Taliban. And he said Flynn's idea about Jiddah and Dahab was good: maybe the best approach was their 'in' with these ladies; pointing out that even if this village wasn't involved in nefarious activities, Jiddah and Dahab likely knew who was.

Flynn reminded Samhal that even though Julie –Dahab, whatever– had stitched him up, she wasn't exactly fond of him, or their cause. And, he thought to himself, if you knew the rest of it –my oasis farce– you'd know our 'in' is now likely far out.

"Aha," Samhal declared, "that is where my plan and your most irresistible charm intersect. As it happens, Jiddah must travel to the city to visit relatives. Last night I told her, instead of taking the unreliable local bus, I could be her chauffeur. Therefore, Monty, you will have the entire day to gain the good graces of Dahab... and snoop around Veerona. And I will be with Jiddah. Only Allah knows what may transpire."

"Jiddah, it is those mercenaries," Julie called, peering out their window. "What are they doing back here?"

Julie had heard their Humvee chugging and belching its way to Veerona from almost a mile off. She had been clearing the breakfast dishes while Jiddah made her final preparations for her trip to Kandahar. Her bag was packed and ready at the door.

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