To the end

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Long ago, in a time that has long past, 5 lords held a grudge, a bitter argument that caused them their deaths.....

The sound of crackling fire and screams filled the sky, the clouds darkening the sky as the moons light shined only on those worthy. "Die bastard!" A voice roared in animalistic rage, blade shined in the darkened night as the sound of its metal cutting through air was haunting. But all it struck was metal with a resounding clang. "You first!" A voice responds, these two voices belonged to Jingorou Miyamoto and Chikochi Oshiro who were masters of Katana and Naginata respectively. The man who's blade was unmatched and the man who's strikes were compared to a Dragon. Soon, their weapons flew and clashed as sparks flew off their blades. Clashing once again, their weapons locked together and their eyes glaring at each other.

"Just die!" Jingorou shouts as he tilts his katana in a way that causes the Naginata to slide down the blade. Normally, a katana would break easily however this katana was folded a million times ensuring that it would not break. As Jingorou swings his blade towards the head of Chikochi, an Axe intercepts the blade and pushes both Jingorou and Chikochi away. Standing there, wielding two Axes was Hiroto Nishimaru, a master of the Ono and a figure who's control on the battle was feard. Soon enough, they stood at a three way stand of. 

"With the two of you here, where is the other two..." He growls out and soon enough, a arrow lands in the center of the stare off.

Turning their gaze towards of where the arrow came from, their stood on the roof Masao Nobunaga, master of the bow, famous for never missing a shot. Soon, following a massive crash, breaking through a wall nearby stood a hulking figure, Aiden Yamashita master of  the Kanabo, his hulking figure and massive swings labeled him as the Oni no Yama or the Mountain Demon. These five figures are great warlords, and with them all finally gathered the battle had finally begun.

With a roar, Aiden charged forward and with a massive swing of his Kanabo, he aimed to hit all three of the lords to the ground. Sensing the imminent danger of letting such a thing hit, Jingorou and Chikochi quickly jumped back while Hiroto was fast enough to dodge the swing, he did not expect Aiden to quickly pick him up and send them both crashing through a hard wooden wall.

Throwing Hiroto to the ground he quickly brings up his Kanabo intent on crushing the man into the ground. But Hiroto's control was feared for a reason and he quickly picked himself  up and using his and Aiden's momentum he hooked his Ono onto Aiden's leg and tripped him before chopping a rope and sending a large crate onto the feared Oni seemingly killing him.

As this was happening  Masao, Jingorou and Chikochi were having a three way fight, the clashes of Jingorou's and Chikochi's weapons rang through the air while Masao's arrows filled the sky as he ran from roof to roof, however, the three seemed to be in a stalemate and Chikochi intended to change that. Spinning the Naginata behind his back he came to quick and sudden stop as he struck like a snake swinging the staff like weapon towards Jingorou who's experience and reflexes granted him the chance to parry the weapon.

There clash came to a quick end as they soon started to back up as Masao's arrows quickly began to strike the spots they had once stood at, as Chikochi came to a quick recovery, Hiroto, who had returned landed a quick slash at his back and continued to strike with ferocity but Chikochi would not go down like this no. If he was going down, he would take Hiroto with him and so with a quick spin, he parries both of the axes and pierces through the gut of Hiroto effectively killing him, as he watches Hiroto fall the ground, he kneels down leaning on the naginata for support. But even great men fall as he finally succumbed to the wounds he gained from both Jingorou and Hiroto.

Nearby Masao fired arrow after arrow at Jingorou who cut down each one that came to him, of course, doing such a thing was difficult and soon enough Jingorou started to tire and finally the first arrow had hit. Striking and digging into his shoulder, he took a step back and cut through two arrows before a new arrow struck him in the leg sending him to his knees. He cuts through what seems like another volley of arrows when finally, the archer finds his mark and pierces Jingorou through the eye.

Jumping down from his perch Masao slowly walks forward towards the fallen body to make sure he was dead, and started to feel confident that he had won. But a crash from behind him changed that and their  stood the mountain Aiden who looked heavily injured but dragged his kanabo behind him. Dropping the heavy weapon he roars at Masao who quickly fires an arrow which finds its home in his shoulder. But Aiden stood undeterred, slowly but surly he goes into a walk before bursting into a full sprint.

Masao quickly grabs five arrows from his quiver and fires each one at the giant, the first finding itself in the other shoulder of Aiden. The second buried into the stomach piercing a lung, the third striking into the chest area but missing the heart. The fourth finding its home right next to the third arrow but narrowly missing vitals. And the final one striking and piercing through the stomach the other end being seen through the back but Aiden remained tall and grappled the smaller man bringing him upwards. As Masao tried to push himself away, Aidan's gripped tightened and with a resounding pop broke the archer in half.

Dropping him, Aiden watches as he crumpled to the ground before he felt his breath go shallow, his head spinning and before finally falling with a loud thud. In an ironic twist of fate the five warlords died together and near each other. No victory, no glory, just pain and anger and soon the armies of each lord came and collected the bodies and weapons of their lords while some would allow things end here and these people didn't. No no, their hate grew and as time slowly moved on their presence faded and faded away....

                                                                                   The feud remained

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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