A party?!

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KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK the door went I opened it to see the mail man Harry "Ah hello Yukimo here's the mail still wearing that patch." Harry gives me the mail "you all know I hate my eyes." I say laughing "Well I bet there beautiful." Harry said giving me a letter that had a pure golden stamp "Huh what's this letter it looks really fancy it must be fore someone else Harry no way we can get a fancy letter like this." I say handing him back the letter he insisted for me to keep it "Nohoho I never get a letter wrong that's for you I was confused too at first but when I realized what is was it all makes sense." Harry said walking down the porch "Heh okay bye Harry." I close the door and call Alesha to the kitchen she comes from the back door coverd in mud her pink plaid shirt and her worn out jeans with a gardeners hat I hand her the golden stamped letter she opens it and squeals "OMG TALON WE GOT NOMINATED FOR BEST FARMERS OF THE YEAR!" Alesha yells in my ear Talon bolts threw the door and grabs the letter I fall down to the floor from all the noise "FOUR TICKETS FOR OUR KIDS AND ONE FOR A FRIEND that means Me you Akanee Lizzy Milly Kyro and Yukimo can go!" Talon accidentally steps on my hand I scream they both look down and gasp "YUKIMO I AM SO SORRY!" Talon gets off my hand I go to the sink and rinse the dirt from my hand and grab a towel to clean it off "it's fine but for that party I'll stay home." I say going to the couch to rest "BUT ITS THE KINGDOM OF TALISMAN!" Alesha yells that's when the kids run in and say "WE GOT INVITED TO THE TALISMAN KINGDOM!?" I groaned in disguise "Yuki how could you not want to go!" Kyro asks shaking me I take my mask off and give him my death eyes and he let's go "Party's aren't really my thing you know I'd rather stay home and cast spells and make potions." I lay down and Create a ball of water and eat it "To bad your coming!" Lizzy grabs my hand I try to stop her but she drags me downstairs "Ummmmm." The rest stare at me struggling to get away I give them my help me eyes they turn around i see they tried to resist laughter I give up and let her drag me once we finished I saw the boys worse tuxedos and Alesha wore a dark lilac purple dress with a brown belt around her stomach Milly wore a hot pink dress with Ocen blue stripes and Lizzy had a black dress that faded to white and me well I wore this

Yep I looked ugly as heck but I don't care "Come on let's goooo!" Milly pulled her parents out the door we all laughed we had a carriage escort us I felt like I was forgetting something we were have way there till I realized I didn't have my MASK ...

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Yep I looked ugly as heck but I don't care "Come on let's goooo!" Milly pulled her parents out the door we all laughed we had a carriage escort us I felt like I was forgetting something we were have way there till I realized I didn't have my MASK "CRAP I FORGOT MY MASK!" They all looked at me and realized I didn't have it on "HOW COULD YOU FORGET!" Akanee yells at me "WELL IF YOU LET ME DO MY CHECK UP I WOULDN'T HAVE FORGOT!" I yelled back at him Alesha sighs "Let's go back." Milly cried "Nooooo we're almost there!" I felt guilty and told them "I'll just use a spell to change my eye colour for the night." I shake my head "Then why didn't you use a spell to change your eye colour for when your around people?" Lizzy asks "cause it doesn't last forever it disappears when I say get mad." They all stare at me "So we just have to make sure she doesn't get mad." Kyro says "Yep well here it goes Jakun eymo chango." I use the spell my eyes change to a beautiful amber colour they all looked amazed

The ball
They all entered the castle ,guards greeted them with bows, Butlers offered them Drinks and good of course I took one of each cause I love free food and free drinks (Who doesn't) and then I sat down and out designated table that was reserved for us the music plays as people dance to it then some random guy walks up to me offering to dance I kindly decline telling him I'm not the dancing type and I was forced here he accepted my decline and went of to dance with someone else I hear I chair slide next to me I look over and see Kyro laying back "What's up?" I ask he looks over to me and says "Just bored there's nothing to do here if your not having fun." Kyro sighs and I thought it was quite cute that he wasn't having fun if I wasn't I got up and spoke "Well let's explore the castle then I'm not a dancer and I'm bored as well so what else are we gonna do sit around and mope all night nope not on my watch let's go!" I grab his hand dragging him with me to explore the castle we visited so many places in the castle until we ended up on the balcony "hahahahaha that was fun we should explore more often." Kyro says looking down at the kingdom "Ya I like being around you." I say leaning in the balcony smiling at him just being around him makes a spark go off in my heart i feel different around him then others could it be love or a special bond or both? I ask myself wondering until he lends a hand in front of me "Huh?!" I look confused "Dance with me I'll teach you!" Kyro says smiling I decline but he insisted I finally gave in on his tenth ask and we made our way to the ball room and danced on the Dance floor we sat back down after a few rounds at our table and I got up to go get some food while I was making my way to the buffet a guy stood infront of me offering to dance I politely declined and when I walked past him he just grabbed my arm

" I say leaning in the balcony smiling at him just being around him makes a spark go off in my heart i feel different around him then others could it be love or a special bond or both? I ask myself wondering until he lends a hand in front of me "H...

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At the moment I got mad and my eyes turned back to red "Come on doll lee dance you are really beautiful maybe you can be my queen I mean I'm the prince of this castle." He giggled and pulled me in i looked down he put his hand on my chin and I struggled to fight it then out of no where Kyro came in "I'm sorry my prince but this girl is my girlfriend so I politely ask you to back off." He says I blush as my eyes widen then the prince said "Proof it by kissing her." Kyro blushes and says in his defence "I will not kiss her this is stupid she's mine so back off please." "I mean if you won't kiss her then I wi-." I rush to Kyro giving him a kiss on the lips well what it looked like our lips looked like they were touching but they weren't my lips were touching his chin just from a certain angle it looks like we're kissing the prince groans in disgust and walks away u thank Kyro and get my food and I don't make any eye contact to anyone for the rest of the night saying I can't to that eye changing spell for another 12 hours. Alesha and Talon won and we went back home with 12 thousand dollar and  a trophy saying best farmers of the year I go to bed and dream my dreams until I feel hands around my mouth I yell threw the hands but no one hears me then the person knocks me out everything fades to black.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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