~Chapter One~

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Things to know:

F/f/s- Favorite Flavor Smoothie

*Y/n's P.O.V.*

"Y/N!!! Get up! Nakano and Cyrus are here! Let's go!" Theo yells as she shook me. 

"Alright, Alright! I'm up!" I groan as I sit up. I heard a soft chuckle from Cyrus. 

"You look like squirrels lived in your hair. Get ready!" Nakano teased as she pulls me to my feet. I felt my hair, and my eyes widen. My hair was in so many tangles, it felt like a bush. 

"H-How much time do we have until class?!" I ask, panicking.

"An hour." Nakano tells me. I run into the bathroom and I grab my brush. I brush through my hair the best I could. There was a knock on the door. 

"Come in!" I say, looking over. Theo walks in.

"Do you need help? It might be easier if you take a shower first." She recommends. 

"B-But what if we don't make it to class on time?" I ask worriedly. Theo sets her hand on my shoulder. 

"We'll make it. If we keep complaining like this, we'll definitely be late. Now go!" Theo shoves me gently and shuts the door behind her as she left. I immediately hop in the shower after changing. 


Once I finally got down with my shower and brushing through my hair, I changed clothes. I walk out to see the three of them waiting. I grab my stuff for class, and then we head out.

"We have 10 minutes still left, Y/n. Now was that stressful?" Theo whispers. I shake my head no. I walk into class with Theo. I wave goodbye to Cyrus and Nakano, and Cyrus's face went red a little. Weird... 


I was walking to the football field. Of course, the cheerleaders were practicing. I walk past them, not wanting to interfere. I caught a glimpse of Vance sitting on the bleachers. I sigh. 

Vance may seem like a really sweet guy, but sometimes he can be a jerk. For example, dating a girl and then going behind their back to talk bad about them. I mean, who does that? 

"Hey Y/n!" I heard Vance greet. I look over at him.

"Oh hey." I say, going up the stairs to sit with him.

"How are you?" Vance asks as I sit down.

"I'm doing ok, I guess. Not really in the best mood, but you know." I reply. I didn't really want to talk to him right now. 

"Oh. What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing. Well, see you later." I say quickly before getting up. I walk down the stairs, leaving Vance speechless. I walk across the field quickly. Once I reached my dorm room, I heard footsteps.

"Hey Y/n!" I heard Cyrus say. 

"Oh thank Irene. I thought you were Vance." I sigh in relief. 

"Ya. Did you run into him again?" Cyrus asks. I nod. The two of us walk into the dorm. Theo and Nakano were sitting on her bed, watching YouTube. I sit on my bed, and I pull out my phone. I had one text message from Aphmau.

(A- Aphmau; Y- You)

A- Hey bestie! What's up?

Y- Nothing much. Shouldn't you be in class or something?

A- It's lunch period, dork. 

Y- Oh ya... How's Falcon Claw University?

A- Eh... same as always. You?

Y- It's doing ok. Ttyl.

A- Ttyl

I set my phone down and I got up. I had my next class with Cyrus. 

"See you guys later!" I say, waving goodbye to Nakano and Theo. Theo waves, smiling. Cyrus and I walk side by side to class. We passed a boy leaning against the wall, alone. I felt him staring at me as we walk past. I then glance from the corner of my eye that Cyrus was closer to me. We reached class and I sat down. 

I wonder what Falcon Claw University is like...


Once classes were done for the day, I went to my dorm. I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. There's nothing to do! Falcon Claw University must have more things to do than here...

"Hey."I heard Cyrus's voice. 

"Oh hey. What do you need?" I ask calmly. 

"There's an escape room open up over the weekend, if you want to go." Cyrus exclaimed. Honestly, that sounds like a lot of fun!

"Sure!" I reply finally. A smile grew on his face. 

"Awesome! Well, I got to get back to my dorm. I have homework." Cyrus tells me, waving. I wave as he left. Might as well go to the cafe... I slip back on my shoes and I grab my phone. Aphmau texted me again.

(Same as last time)

A- There was a fight in class, and they both got in trouble. I don't know what happened after, but it was scary.

Y- Oh cool! And hey, maybe I could come visit soon?

A- That would be awesome! 

Y- Well, anything else?

A- Nope. Ttyl

Y- Ttyl

I walk to the cafe, passing little groups of friends. I walk in to see a group of teenage boys fighting. I ignore them and walk up to the counter.

"Hello! What can I get you?" The cashier asks politely. 

"Um... How about a f/f/s smoothie please." I reply, smiling. A worker quickly makes it while I pay for it. I carefully pick it up and I sit down in a booth near the window. I drank it, watching the fight. Once I finished the smoothie, I threw it away. 

I walk towards the door and I open it. A light breeze hit my face, and I smile. I saw the fountain and I walk towards it. 

"Hey." I heard someone say. I turn around. 

"Oh hi! You startled me!" I giggle. 

"It's ok." She spoke. 

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Beatrice." She introduced. 

"That's a nice name. I'm Y/n." I say. We start to chat. She didn't talk much, but that was ok. She pulled out a sticker.

"What's that for?" I ask. Beatrice walks up to me and she puts it on my cheek. My vision went blurry and I faint.

Well then... Awkward. This is the first chapter of this book, and I hope you enjoyed!

My Life In Heart Point (Heart Point X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now