Chapter 2 (edited)

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**warning**violent scenes**
Eren POV

I quickly woke up, and ran out of my room. When I got downstairs I heard my mom scream from the kitchen. I went over only to see her pinned down about to be raped by a rogue. "M-MOM" I yelled loud enough for her to here me. "EREN RUN THE WHOLE PACK IS IN CHAOS. PLEASE RUN  AND FIND YOUR FATHER HU-" she got interrupted by the rogue slapping her acrross her face as he started raping her. "I l-love you eren p-please survive" tears were streaming down my fface as those were the last words before she started to fight back the rogue to distract him. I was about to go and help mom but Mikasa and Armin showed up and grabbed me before I could go help mother.

"LET ME GO I NEED TO HELP MOTHER" I yelled at them struggling to get out of there grasp. They started to run pulling me with them. "we cant eren we need to escape before more rogues come this way" they tightened their grasp around my arms. Before we left the house I saw my mom being pinned down again staring in terror at the rogue as he kiled her. When I saw her die I immediately stopped resisting against Armin and Mikasa.

As they were pulling me we had to make a quick stop somewhere at a secret pack place where each pack member has there important info and a emergency bag filled with inecessities just in case something like this happened. Armin went inside to get all our stuff and info, while me and mikasa waited outside.

Immediately after armin left mikasa started talking. "eren we need to survive together from now on got it" She looked at me with serious eyes. "you guys survive leave me here I will make sure the rogues don't find you" I say looking down at me bare feet since I had no shoes on. Mikasa punched me in the face. "EREN WE WILL NOT LEAVE WE AND SURVIVE JUST AS YOUR MOTHER SAID BEFORE SHE DIED PLEASE SURVIVE" my eyes widen as mikasa said that. I started to cry again as I remembered what mom said to me before we left."okay mikasa I will try my best" I say as im wiping my tears away looking into her eyes.

Armin comes out with 3 backpacks caring our stuff as well as a pair of shoes for me. I put on my shoes, and the backpack. We were all ready now. We were having a warm group hug until we heard a rogue howl near us. "we better leave now before they find us" me and mikasa nodded in agreement. She threw me her backpack, as a light grey smoke like substance envoloped her body as she transformed into a huge grey wolf. She leaned down so that me and armin could get on. Once we got on and secured ourselves Mikasa started dashing away into to the vast forest. I looked back one last time to our pack village before it was out of sight letting a small tear fall from my eye.

~time skip 3 hours~

It was around 3 30 am and Mikasa was getting tired so she changed back into her human form. Me and Armin handed are backpacks to Mikasa so she can carry them while we are in our wolf forms. Armin had yellow smoke envolope his small body, and turned into a small yellow coated wolf with a brown spot covering his left eye. His form wasn't as big or strong as mikasas so I had to  transform as well. My petite body was envoloped in white smoke with hints of the color black. My wolf has a long slim body, slightly bigger than armins. My fur coat is white with the black half of the yin/yang symbol on my left shoulder, and the tip of the tail is black. My eyes turned from emerald green to gold. Then me and armin started running together side by side with mikasa on top of me since Im stronger than armin, eventhough we are both omegas.

We ran for another 2 hours until we decided we were far away enough from the dangerous rogues. We transformed back into human, and we made a mini fire, and by we I mean mikasa did all the work. We ate some of our emergency rations that were in our backpack. After we ate we transformed again but this time all of us just in case some rogues decide to attack us. We huddled up close to eachother to keep ourselves warm. I slowly shut my eyes letting sleep take over me.

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