Interiew with the awesome Veronique!

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Howdy world! This is Bethany speaking and I have just interviewed the awesome Veronique! I hope you enjoy!

1) How did you find out about Wattpad?

I really have no idea. I read in another website (don't even remember the name) and I just used Google to find books ("free online books") and I guess Wattpad was just there. Waiting patiently for me. I've been a member for two years actually.

2) Are you on any other writing websites?

No. I'm faithful to Wattpad. :) Hahah! Actually I don't know any others. That's the reason. And I dedicate too much time reading here, I don't want to get obsessed with another website. I could fail college. D:

I know how you feel! I struggle balancing the time for college and Wattpad!

3) What is the book you're writing about now?

'Red Lips' is about romance, music and drama. It is about letting go and learning you are not always right. I think that it teaches the characters that it's okay to be dependent sometimes, to be fragile. There are things that you can't control and things you must. They will learn about that in the book.

4) What/who is your inspiration for writing?

These alter-egos I create for myself. :) I want to have an adventurous life, or one filled with romance and stuff. And well I create these plots in my head and I needed to take them out so I wrote about them.

That's what I do too! I have such an over-active imagination that if I didn't write then I fear that I might just go crazy :P

5) Do you wish to be a professional writer one day?

Gosh no! I want to be a Doctor. I want to help people out. Writing is more of a seasonal hobby.

6) Favorite Book?

I would have to say: Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion by Jane Austen. And Paulo Coelho's: A Orillas del Río Piedras Me Senté y Lloré. <3 I don't know its name in English but that book describes exactly what I think love should be.

:O NO WAY! I would like to take the time to shout out to my best friend @jasminehazlehurst i told you there were others like me! Jane Austen fans FOR THE WIN!

7) Favorite fictional character?

Frederick Wentworth from 'Persuasion'. The letter he writes to Anne Elliot just stole my heart. He is so real, I love him. <3 And don't forget Mr. Darcy.<3

You are like a mini me! And Mr. Darcy is going to be my husband...

8) Favorite Author?

J.K. Rowling, oh! How I love that woman!

9) What is the best film adaptation of a book you have seen?

I really have no idea! From the Harry Potter series I would have to say the first one? I don't know. I like 'Emma' (Jane Austen)... I'm confused. Hahah!

I would have to agree with you on the Emma one, I want a Knightley in shining armour, see what I did there? :P

10) Who is your celebrity crush?

Oh Jesus! Rupert Grint. Zayn Malik. Ryan Gosling. Max Irons. Johnny Depp. <3 I would marry them ALL.

Okay seriously, did you ask someone about me? Haha, you're answering them like I would (apart from the Zayn Malik, I don't go in that direction, damn I am on FIRE today!) :D

11) Favourite film?

It depends on my mood or the genre. I love Disney's movies, musicals, romances, dramas, action, adventure... I would say that The Parent Trap, French Kiss, The Pianist, and No Reservations have special places in my heart.

12) Chocolate or vanilla?

Chocolate<3 Forever and ever.

Great answer!

13) The Lord of the Rings or Star Wars?

Confession: I haven't seen them. I read some pages from The Lord of the Rings and found it quite interesting.

14) Harry Potter of the Hunger Games?

Harry Potter! I grew up with him! My mother read me the first book because I was too little to do it by myself. Imagine what kind of relationship I have with the books.<3 it's love. Pure and unconditional love.

My mum read Harry Potter to me too!

15) Finally.... Team Edward, Team Jacob or Team Twilight sucks?

A mixture of the three. :) I've read the books. The movies SUCK. But I like them at the same time. I believe is sort of a masochist relationship between them and me and them. hahaha! :D

Haha, I see what you did there! Well, thats all we've got time for folks! I hope you enjoyed reading the interviews! Anyways I have been Bethy and you have been AWESOME! Bye! :D <3


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