My opinion on bullying and human rights!

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If someone calls you weird, ugly, or a nerd then you need to own that. Something you could say to someone if they call you that is that you like being weird, I think I'm beautiful how I am, and if liking the things I like makes me a nerd than I like being a nerd. The point I'm trying to make is be yourself no matter what anyone else thinks of you. Something you need to know and accept that you're beautiful and weird do you need to own that. And just because other people think your odd doesn't mean you're odd just makes you different. You don't have to change for someone else if they don't see you're perfect just the way you are then they don't deserve you.And if people don't see that then they don't see the real you.

Now let me tell you about me. Just because I lie the things "nerds" like people don't call me a "nerd". People don't call me a "nerd" because I'm considered "cool". If being "cool" makes me not a "nerd" then I don't want to be "cool".

Some things that we all are is beautiful, courageous, brave, funny, smart, selfless, attractive, weird, but the thing that makes us mostly different is we are all different individual people. No matter what we all deserve to be treated the same. It doesn't matter if your skin color is black or white or if you have brown hair or bright blue hair, in the end we are all human. And we need to treat each other like that. People are judged on their race which is unfair. You can't control what race you are born into.

I like to think we were out on this earth for a reason, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't so we could treat each other rudely but to forgive, forget, love, be loved, be generous, and be ourselves. It is important to know that it doesn't matter how old you are it's it to late to make the right choice. I may only be 11 but that doesn't mean I don't understand all that is happening in the world. I will fight to prevent racism, homophobia, woman rights, and much more!

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