Chapter 6~

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Gracie Hartman 

"Ha!" I screamed, throwing my controller down, and rolling off the couch. "I WIN!"

Niall, the blonde-haired Irish, frowned. "That's not fair! You cheated!" 

"How did I cheat?!" I protested, throwing a piece of loose thread at him. 

"You just did." He said, casually.

The other guys watched in amusement as me and Niall continued arguing. 

"Did not."

"Did too."



"OKAY! HOW ABOUT A TIE?!" Harry interuppted, throwing his hands up exasperatedly. 

"Sure." Niall smirked.

"Settling for a tie are for losers." I said.

"Well then, I guess you're a loser." Niall smiled. 

I frowned, while everyone laughed. "Isn't someone going to defend me?" I frowned.

"Sorry, G, you're on your own. Harry said, pulling me from the waist as he pulled me onto his lap. 

I wiggled, trying to break free. "No. You didn't help me! Let go, Haz." 

The other boys looked at us, smiling. I had gotten to know them for the past few hours, and they were, great and fun. Though, I'd never actually admit it to them. They were so carefree, down to earth, and just so genuine.

"Leeeyyuuuummmmm. Can't you help? You're supposed to be the responsible one!" I protested, still wiggling out. 

"So, Zayn, Lou, and Niall. Wanna head out? Grab some ice cream?" Liam asked, completely ignoring me. 

"Yep." they all said in unison. 

They all headed out, all giving a quick  wave.


Niall nodded, and smiled at me. I decided he was my favorite. We could really be best friends.

Harry frowned. "I thought I was your favorite." he whined. 

Oops, did I say that out loud?

"He's not the one keeping me hostage." I groaned, wiggling. 

He chuckled. "Still on about that, G?" 

'It's Gracie, Haz."

"Fine, fine." he let go of me, and I jumped up, walking towards the kitchen.

"Why don't you have food?" I whined. I closed the fridge, and opened it up again. Nope, still no food. Harry came up behind me. 

"What, you think, just because you closed it, food will appear?" He chuckled.

"Stop laughing. Everyone does it." I huffed. 

"True, true."  

I grinned, finally, I won one arguement.

He smiled. "Gracie....."

"Hm?" I said, checking the cupboards, for food, Anything, really. 

"Would you like to go out tomorrow night?" he sat on the counter, twiddling his thumbs.

"With the boys? Sure.. I mean if I'm not doing anything. Am I going to beat Niall again?" my lips curled up into a smile.

"No, not with the boys. I was hoping we could go out to dinner..alone." he said softly.

I froze. Was Harry, asking me out? 

"Like a date?" I said, turning a full 360, facing him. 

He sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. I mean we're just friends anyway." 

"No, no." I said, quickly. "I'd like that." 

He looked up and smiled, as her rushed forward, and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

"YOU'RE THE BEST,G!" He shouted.

"It's Gracie, not G." I grumbled. "And- Haz- no-can't-breathe."

"Oops." He smiled sheepishly. He set me down, and smiled at me, as his green orbs studied me carefully. 

I shifted, uncomfortable with it all, it was as if he was looking through my soul. 

The exchange was soon interrupted as the rest of the boys bounded through the door, with ice cream in their hands.

"I BROUGHT ROCKY ROAD! FOR YOU, MILADY." Niall said, handing me a cup. I frowned. It was almost completely melted.

"What is this? Milkshake?" I snorted looking down at it.

"Well, I'm sorry. At least we got you ice cream." Lou huffed.

"So sassy.." I muttered.


"Ew... the biebs." I said, pulling a disgusted look.

Niall gasped. "Now you've done it...." Zayn muttered.

Harry sighed.

"What? What did I do?" I asked, confused.

"GRACIE HARTMAN. WE CAN NO LONGER BE FRIENDS. JUSTIN IS GREAT. HIS MUSIC IS GREAT OKAY. HIS NAME IS GREAT. I AM TRULY OFFENDED." Niall said, his face a shade of crimson red. Smoke was practically coming out of his ears. He was fuming.

What's with this kid? "Well....I apologize, then?" I said.

Niall nodded. "Fine, maybe I can  forgive you." I shook my head.  

Harry piped up. "OH GUESS WHAT. Me and Gracie are going on a date tomorrow!" 

The boys smiled, clapping him on the back. "Get in it!" 

"Gracie and I." I corrected. 

"Really Gracie?" Harry, said, laughing.

I rolled my eyes. "You're eighteen. You should know these things." I said.

"Grammar Police..." he muttered. 



Hey guys hey. I got to 10 fans! WOOT WOOT. Thanks so much for reading. Next chapter will be Harry and Gracie's date. Maybe a little Niall and Gracie coming up, eh? ;) Who do you think is Superman? Leave in the comments below who you ship, (Harry and Gracie or Niall and Gracie), who you think Superman is, AND, what do you think Harry is going to do for their date. 

Also, get me 15 fans! 5 MORE FANS GUYS, and I'll post. Love you all. x

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