Prologue:Elena Scotts.

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                               Corbyn Besson as Mason

If any prophet had prophesied the death of her father,Elena would have questioned their license. But as she stood under the rain,she could not help but feel that life had been so unfair to her. Many people had much more sins than she did. Why then did she have to pay the price with a gem so priceless.

Elena gently rubbed soothing circles on her mother's back in an attempt to comfort her. Her attempts seems useless as a lone tear rolled down the older woman's cheek and she quickly brushed it off in an attempt to hide it from her daughter. But Elena being Elena saw it and swallowed her spit.

Elena felt she was too young for all the drama surrounding her family. She  especially had no idea how she was going to survive this phase of her life as well as the many more to come. She watched silently as the cask was lowered into the soil. A small chuckle escaped her lips as she remembered the priest saying that the rain signified her late fathers acceptance into heaven ad well as the showers of blessings on the deceased family's life.

Elena felt an arm snake on her shoulder and she looked to see Bessie ,her bestfriend. She leans her head into hers trying to seek for comfort even though she knew she probably wouldn't get it.

Elena listened silently as her mother read her tributes out. This time ,she allows the tears to run down her cheek without brushing them away. Her mother stood up, not finishing her speech before walking into the house.

All eyes settled on Elena expectimg her to read her tribute. She brings out a small folded paper and begins to read:

Dearest Dad,

           I know you are up there watching me right now. You can see my heart.  You can see that mom and I miss you. I also know that I promised not to write poems to you but I can't help it. So I'm writing this poem to you:

Painful it is to say goodbye
Especially when I know I'm gonna see you no more
When next time we meet
I would have to cross the border
Into the abyss of death.
Till we meet again Dad
She threw the paper into the soil and turned her heels towards the direction her mother went not looking back once.

Hey guys. Comment if you like it and don't forget to like. Ten comments and I'll post the next two chapters.
Yours truly,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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