Our First Lesson

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(A/N: I couldn't find a picture that completely fitted what I wanted but this is a rough outline of what Kailua's bedroom would look like but there a piano, it's slightly larger and there are some other things too. Let's jus say this is one half of her room. Okay😉)

~Kailua's POV~

It's been a four hours hours past half a day since Professor left Kai and I alone in the garden. About two hours ago Kai and I separated, he went somewhere and I confined myself in my room to waste my time by ether playing my piano or reading. It should be around mid-early, slightly late evening as the sun was starting to slowly set making me guess so. I've ben practicing my piano piece that I've been trying to perfect for months and I finally have it! I can't wait to play it for somebody! Preferably my brothers and maybe even Daddy! Whenever he comes home, that is.

As an "unstable" princess, as the minsters put it, I am unfit and too imperfect to compete for the throne along side my brothers even though I am the third eldest! I knew that before the ministers were always against having a female ruler so after the incident happened it gave them the perfect excuse to kick me out of my birth right!

Try as I might I am unable to do anything about it so I just stopped caring and choose a different career path. Something I can do with my life that will make an impact and make those minsters regret taking my birth right away from me! Something amazing but sill within my capability-so I choose to be a musician! I have thrown myself into learning serval instruments and languages as well as doing well on my studies so when the time comes I will be ready to take the world by storm!

Now I am reading a very popular Novel among the female population of the kingdom called "A Sonata Under The Moonlight". It's a very lovely book and the moment I picked it up I couldn't stop reading it! One of the maids got it for me on my request and I have no regrets! I love the main character and the supporting roles too! The female lead is so ambitious and brave while the male lead was a prick at the beginning but he redeemed himself and now I have personally fell in love with him!

I look over at the grandfather clock in my room to see I have only eight minutes until four! 'Well, maybe I'll just sip out on this one. I won't miss much and besides, I don't know if I'm ready for another lesson with a royal tutor. But Professor Heine seems nice and very smart too.....maybe I should go.....' I think as I gaze at the clock as the seconds tick by. After some more mental debating I finally settle on not going and opting to stay here with my wonder "A Sonata Under The Moonlight" which is much more better than some silly lesson and human interaction! Did I forget to mention, I'm an introvert!

As I read the lovely book they mention the song I have master; Mozart's Symphony No.25 first movement! The main character is playing it for a very important competition that could make or break her! She doesn't have enough skills to pull it off on her own but luckily our M.L (Male Lead) is here to help! In the book they preform the piece as a duet and I can't help but to want to play the piece as well. So I do just that! I quickly walk over to my grand piano which is on the other side of my room and place my book on the piano stool beside me. I crack my knuckles and press the first key before diving into the mystical and hypnotizing piece. My fingers glide across the keys gracefully and as I play the song I imagine Adam, the male leader playing along with me.

~Kai's POV~

I quickly walk towards the room where Professor, my siblings and I are suppose to have our first lesson. I look at a random clock in the hall to see I only have three minutes until four! Luckily I'm almost there. After turning a few corners I swiftly make my way towards the door of the room we're suppose to meet at and open the door. "Don't worry, I'm here" I say as I open the door with one hand. "Welcome Prince, please do come in and have a seat" Professor says with his emotionless look. I go to nod at him but my attention is quickly stolen away by my the youngest of my brothers and the eldest of my younger brothers bickering!

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