Um... The title really says it all... I will be talking or ranting about whatever I feel like is a strong enough topic to write about. You can also comment what you want me to give my oppinion on if you feel like it.
I also really want to know if you guys want me to type as I would speak, or just like act all smarticles and go all out with really big words that I won't know the definition of.
I hope you enjoy this, I just have everyone asking me for my opinion on stuff (since I'm the "shy" kid. I like to say that I am too important and I need everything to be protected because I'm that special, but one can only dream right?) and so I thought of doing this instead of actually speaking.. 'cus ya know.. I'm too important...
My Random Rants or Talks About Random Stuff
Short StoryThe title basically says it all...