1. Animals That Walk on Four Legs and Bark

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Arf! Arf!  is all I freaking hear, over and over again, every single day. Try not strangle the stupid animals. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs to death. I just can't stand them most of my day. Here, I'll start at the beginning...

I have five dogs. Well.. kind of. You know what?? Let's start WAY back.

        When I first got the little rats, I had only two dogs; Zeus and Athena. Yes, my family named them Greek God names. Zeus was black on top, brown on bottom, then some white on his paws. Athena was all black. Anywho, the two siblings had puppies. We gave/sold all but one pup. Now, I have three dogs; Zeus, Athena, and Bella. We only kept Bella because she was colored like a cow.. A few births later, we ended up with the fourth dog, Bitty. He was the runt of the litter, so we kept him. Bitty was also printed as a cow. Bitty's brother was given, but came back. There is the fith dog, Tippi/TippiTuesday/Tippiconue. We were going to give him away, but no one wanted him. My mom become attached to him, so we kept him. I don't like him, so I don't like thinking he's ours, but 'I have to be nice to the "Man's Best Friend" breeds of animals' as my mom puts it.

So there's that explaination of how I know what the animals that walk on four legs and bark are like.

        All my dogs do is eat, sleep, poop/pee, and sleep some more. No joking. I mean sometimes they run around outside in the fenced in yard.. but that's barely exercise to them. They also 'play around' in the middle of the living room... but I don't think that counts... because they barely do it.

        They get led outside a lot because there's like... let's count.. my lil sis, me, younger yet older brother, older brother, oldest brother, mom, and step-dad. How many people was that...? Uh.. 1..2..3....4..5....6..and 7!!! Okay, so the dogs get led outside a lot because there is a total of 7 people that live in my house.

        Right now I have Zeus bugging me so much I can barely type. My dogs get jelous so much that one moment you might have one dog, then the next, you have all five on your lap. It sucks. You could say one of their names to stop messing with this or to get off the couch so you can let them out, and the all of a sudden, you have all of the dogs on you..

        Speaking of letting them outside, their barking gives headaches. Letting them outside is a huge mistake at certain times. After school, before school, and at certain normal food times are only a few times that the dogs shouldn't be outside. Even if their inside, and they hear a little whoosh of the wind, they bark as if a burgaler breaks inside of the house. It's bad.

All dogs have good things though.

        My dogs are really good cuddlers. When you are like watching tv alone, one of them will jump up on the couch and like cuddle with you in a way. Zeus will even hug you if he feels you are das, or sad... whoops.

Oh wow.. I never thought Girl Meets World could be so funny but retarded!!!

Um..... okay.. well imma go ahead and finish this.

        Anywho, dogs are okay but they can be better.

Can you comment your oppinion of dogs???

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