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Yixing's heat has subsided after some time and now he's only watching Junmyeon work on his laptop, waiting for the right time to tell Junmyeon about them being mates and also thinking about a way in which he's gonna do that without having Junmyeon look at him weirdly.

"You want to be part of the company of our union? Lu Han is a part of it and also Zitao. You want to?" Junmyeon asks, eyes not leaving the screen as he types on the keyboard.

"Can I?"

"Of course," Junmyeon says as he glances at Yixing and smiles. "I'm sure you'll be a good part of the team."

Yixing looks down and feels himself blush.

A knock on the front door resounds around the whole house to their ears though, and Junmyeon quickly stands up, heading to the front door with his vampire speed and Yixing lazily walking to follow Junmyeon in curiosity.

Jongdae smiles brightly as he hands the letter over to Junmyeon, bowing politely.

"Thank you," Junmyeon says as he bows as well.

"What's that?" Yixing asks as he stands beside Junmyeon on the doorway, judgingly staring at the letter Junmyeon now has accepted.

"This.." Jongdae trails off as he points to one part of the letter, fingers accidentally brushing against Junmyeon's, making Yixing narrow his eyes, his insides churning at the sight and he quickly swats Jongdae's hand away harshly.

"Get your fucking hands off of Junmyeon..!" Yixing says as he points an intimidating finger to Jongdae, making Jongdae flinch back and look down in shame.

"Yixing.." Junmyeon sighs and turns to Yixing to say something.

"Get out of my sight!" Yixing says as he advances to Jongdae, eyes glaring as he looks at Jongdae from head to toe.

"You're going to go back to your fucking territory before I fucking—" Yixing says but he stops when Jongdae looks up at him with teary eyes.

"I didn't m-mean to.. I-I didn't d-do anything.. Please don't b-be mad at me.." Jongdae says as he chews on his lips in embarassment.

Yixing's expression changes as he steps back, wanting to say something to comfort Jongdae but he is suddenly being pulled by Junmyeon by the arm.

"O-Ow! That hurts!" Yixing exclaims as he tries to get free of Junmyeon's grip but to no avail.

"Jongdae, you can go. Don't mind what he said, okay?"

Jongdae nods slowly and only shows a weak smile as he turns to go back to the territory.

"What do you think are you doing?!" Junmyeon shouts as he pushes Yixing inside the house while he slams the door shut. "Is that what you promised me?! To disrespect me and other union members?!"

"You're stupid!" Yixing shouts back. "You think that omega doesn't have feelings for you?! It's already obvious!"

"What are you talking about? He's mated, Yixing!" Junmyeon says as he frowns deeply. "And don't act like you care about those things!"

"You told me before that you can steal me from my mate if you're a werewolf, and now you're doing it to others?! You're going to steal someone's omega? From the leader alpha at that, Junmyeon?! You're horrible!"

"What the fuck even is your point now?!" Junmyeon shouts back as he holds Yixing's arms, but Yixing swats the vampire's hands away.

"Don't fucking touch me!"

"Haven't I proven to you enough that I cared?! Haven't I showed it enough?! Why do you think your so-called parents' business suddenly had so much debts, huh? After accusing me of these things, haven't you ever thought of accusing me that maybe I was the one who did that?"

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