Simon Yorke (EOU)

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Name: Simon Yorke

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Name: Simon Yorke

Alias: Ryle

Age: 24

Class: Medic

Bio: A Medic who was part of an investigation team sent to explore Gladshiem in Etria. Ever since the incident in Etria has been solved, he, Raquna, and Arthur are now considered VIPs in the Midgard Library. He is now going undercover in High Lagaard. For what reason, is something he is not willing to discuss, even to his previous guild leader.

Personality: He is very intelligent, and a very cautious type. He tends to think before making a decision, which has helped more often in the journey through Etria's Yggdrasil, keeping a cool and leveled perspective even when faced with danger and dilemmas.


Korey - Guild leader in Etria, close friends.

Arthur Clarke - Friend and survivor of Gotham's Gungnir

Raquna Sheldon - Friend

Frederica Irving/Ricky - Friend

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