Chapter 1

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An:I don't own both of them Pokemon Belongs To Nintendo And Game Freak And Street Fighter Belongs To Capcom.

In the outskirts of Pallet town.A 10 year old Pokemon Trainer Ash Ketchum with his partner and his first Pokemon Pikachu.He finished the unova league and departures his travelling companions Iris and Cilan.Right now He was walking Down the road With Alexa a Journalist From Kalos region he met her in several days during his adventures on Decolora island.

Ash:Where almost home now Pikachu

Pikachu:Pika Pika

Alexa:Man your always get exited to go back your hometown

Ash:Are you kidding I always get exited to go back right Pikachu

Pikachu:Pika Pikachu

When they see pallet town Ash starting to run While Alexa was chasing him

Alexa:Hey Ash wait up

Ash ignored her and once they arrive he couldn't himself but to happy that he arrived his hometown once again turning his head to Alexa and said

Ash:here we are in pallet town

Alexa:Wow it's nice to here in Pallet town Ash

Ash:Come on let's go to my house to see my parents and my Pokemon

(A/N:In this story Ash has is own older and young siblings including his Father)

When they arrive in his house.Ash notice the Letter in front door and he read it

Dear Ash
Meet us in Prof Oak's lab
Love Mom

Ash smiled and turn to Alexa

Ash:I guess There Not here they probably in Prof Oak's Lab

Alexa nodded her head and they towards Prof Oak's lab when they walk inside

Ash:They not here either

Pikachu's ear's perk up and the Mouse Pokemon starting to run at the backyard

Ash:Pikachu wait up

He started running alongside Alexa.2 of theme arrived outside in backyard and suddenly


Ash was surprised and speechless when His Parents saw them and even surprised and shocked that his old Pokemon and his old Travelling Companions


Ash:Mom,Dad,Red,Leaf,Ethan,Misty,Brock,Gary,Tracey,May,Max,Dawn,Iris,Cilan,Verity,Sorrel,Prof Oak Your all here

(An:Here are older and young siblings including his Dad.Red is Ash older Twin Brother While Leaf his sister and his younger brother named Ethan and his father's Named is Anthony)

Delia began walk and hugs Ash tightly Causing him to turn blue

Delia:Oh my baby boy welcome back

Anthony:Delia he can't breathe


Delia:oh sorry Ash

Delia Broke a hug And his siblings towards him

Red:hey lil bro nice to see you again

Leaf:Welcome back Ash

Ethan suddenly Hugs his Brother

Ethan:Big brother your here

Ash:I miss you too little guy

When they meet each other up.Ash and his travelling companions take their Pokemon out of it's pokeball.Everyone Started to take out their food and talked each other out while their eating after their done Prof Oak start talking

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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