First impression

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Finn's  P.O.V

I walk down  the stairs as I'm  playing  and streaming  Pubji with my gaming pals and probably  should've paid more attention  to where I was walking as I end up rolling down  the stairs

Karen (Mom) : Are you okay ?!

Finn : Noooo (checking laptop) Hello ?

Dexter : (over the laptop) I'm still here

Finn: (walking into the kitchen)  oh good it's okay he still here

Karen : you know maybe if you didn't play  games with nerds in the-

Finn: (covering the mic) Mom, he listening

Karen : why can't you  just be like normal kids ?

Finn : Mom , normal's overrated

Karen : Why can't you just  Facetime your girlfriend or something ?

Finn : Cuz ... girls are overrated

(Karen  rolls her eyes)

Finn: Gotta go , love you (kisses her forehead) Bye

Karen: Love you too , bye

I pack my laptop into it's bag and get in my bicycle and ride to school

Ashely's P.O.V

Ashley : (screams on top of her lungs)

Will (Dad): Okay fine I'll get up and pretend I care

Ashely : Dad!!!!!

Will : Good Morning Ashely

Ashely : That doofus  of yours broke my heel !

Matt (brother) : you were asking  for it -

Will: Okay Matt give get dressed and honey I don't  think you need a 6 inch heel to go to school

Ashley : Dad , it's  the first day of school ! I gotta  look good

Will: You can look good  with sneakers -

Ashely : No! That's  way too basic and 6 inch Dad , what do you think I am ,a hooker or something? ?!

(Runs back to  her room)

Will : (mumbles  to himself) Sometimes

Vanessa's P.O.V

Today  is a pretty  spring day ,so I decided  to wear a black v-neck , black jeans with docks and a leather jacket. I tied my hair up in a bun and assesorize with a red bandana. For make up , I'm feeling spontaneous so I go for  red lips with simple eyes

Jack : (gets in watching,  something on the tablet)

Vanessa : Um hello?  Wrong room

Jack : (sits down on the floor )

Vanessa : (grabbing backpack and rolls eyes) Why do I bother

(Vanessa  gets out of her room about to  head  downstairs)

Mark : hey did you  happen to see Jack ? (Looking like a lost kid)

Vanessa : Yes in my room

Mark : Thanks!


Caroline (Mom) : Hi sweetie, how are you ?

Vanessa : Good (grabs an apple  from the counter)

Noah : (eating cereals) Can't say the same for your personality  .... Ohhhhh burn

I roll my eyes  as I head to the garage to get my skateboard

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