Things you will need
1. You need to have a video of both of them.
2. You will a candle anyone color
3.a drop of your blood
4. Say 5 times
5. A peice of paper with the character you want to be or print it out.
Step 1. play the video of farcry 4and5.
Step 2. Put the candle on the desk by you.
Step 3.put the drop of on the peice of paper that the you want to be in the game.
Step 4. Say it 5 times.Spell
Let me be in the game farcry 4and5 I wish to have super strength to kill everyone in the game this is my wish so mote it be.
This spell does work I just don't remember the things that happen.
spell book that works and i made
RandomSpell book give any spell you want to do I'll do it even summoning spells