June 25th

59 7 0

Lee-lee POV:

My bae Izzo is turning 18!! Can't believe it haha, we been friends since high school. So of course we all gotta celebrate, so he's having a bbq at his house. My first time actually going to his house, even tho we been friends for 3 years I never went to his home. We always chilled at places, with our other friends. But yea he's having a get together so it's gonna be lite. My friend Jessica is suppose to come back from her acting classes and meet me at my house so we can't be out to the party. It's 2:00pm and the event starts at 5:30. Since I take forever to get ready imma start getting ready now.

*2hrs later*

Ok so I'm all dressed up so cute, on point like always. I'm wearing this cute cheetah dress with sandals and my hair all curly and loose. It's 4:15 and still haven't heard from Jessica. I been calling and calling but it's going straight to voicemail. Damn I don't wanna be late. So of course I hit up Izzo, asking if he heard from her but he said nope. All of a sudden I get a txt from her.


Jessica: I'll meet u at the party instead

Lee-lee: oh alrigh, see u then

Jessica: k


Lee-lee POV:

Alright cool, so now it's finally 5:20pm so im leaving about to drive to his party. See it's good because he lives right up the street from me so I can leave at this time.

**Lee-lee finally get there and gets greeted by Izzo and his brother byrone**

Izzo POV-

Lee-lee is here finally gonna be turnt up, haha I already see my mom looking at me and her. She prolly thinking something haha, better introduce Lee-lee to the fam.

Izzo: mom this is my friend Lee-lee, Lee-lee this is my mom Dominica

Dominica: nice to meet u, heard lots about u:)

Lee-lee: aww, nice to meet u too. Thanks for having me come over to celebrate

Dominica: my pleasure, please feel like home :)

Izzo: alright, and this is my aunts and uncles and cuzins and grandparents and god parents,

Lee-lee: nice to meet u all :)

Izzo: so Lee did u hear back from Jessica?

Lee-lee: yes she said she'll meet us over here

Izzo: alright cool cool, ur pretty early haha

Lee-lee: what you mean? U told me 5:30

Izzo: yea I know, I'm just saying I have more friends coming and ur the earliest one, I don't mind it, I like it :)

Lee-lee: shit boutta say, lemme take my gift back

Izzo: lol and u look very nice today

Lee-lee: thanks, u too. So who else is coming,

Izzo- Ashley and her bro EJ and there mother. I invited hector and his friends too

Lee-lee: oh yea Ashley coming, cool.

Izzo- yea you meet her brother before right?

Lee-lee: yea yea, met him at the street fair that time when I bumped into u guys

Izzo- oh yeaa, I 4got about that. Oh just got a txt they here

Lee-lee POV: 3 hrs went by and Jessica still didn't show up or nothing, damn that's rude. She probably having issues or whatever because she tends to feel awkward when there's a lot of people. But anyways we all having fun, it's the 5 of us friends chilling, laughing, eating, drinking. I love his family, they so sweet. Hah funny thing, Ashely's big Brother EJ is flirting with me mad hard haha. He keep Try'na start a convo with me, and he looking at me a lot lol. This is the first time I'm actually getting to know him. I'm friends with his sister Ashely cuz we went to the same hs and now same college. She's a year younger then me but we cool. Later that night after the party was over, for some reason my car wasn't starting. So EJ offered to give me a ride back to my house. I was surprised because he knew what street I lived on, what a stalker lol. But the ride was chill, it was me, his sis, him, his lil bro who's like 7 and his mom. His mom was laughing that he knew which house I lived in since we never spoken before. Haha. I was dying xD!!

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