2. Friday 6:17 am

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[BakuBitch] wake up fucktards

[Tape Dispenser] How dare you. 👊🏼😔

[ShittyHair] its mcfreaking six in the morn.

[Charger] yeah bakuhoe! have some respect.

[Pepto Bismol] you guys realize we have to get ready for school.

[Charger] Fuck school 🤠💯🌊💯🌊💀🤡😤👊🏼👊🏼😤🤡🤡🤡🤡💀🤡💯🤠🤠🤠😤

[Pepto Bismol]

[BakuBitch] !!!

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[BakuBitch] !!!

[BakuBitch] i will drag! DRAG YO ASSES OUTTA YO BEDS!

[Pepto Bismol] Not me! I am up!

[Shitty Hair] oright dragg me then i am feelin lazyyyy

[BakuBitch] you know manly people arent lazy.

[Shitty Hair] ....

[Shitty Hair]

[Charger] Oof Oof

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[Charger] Oof Oof. 😔👊🏼

[Tape Dispenser] wow.

[BakuBitch] i draggin you, right now.

[Shitty Hair] We dont have to be at school till like 8!!

[BakuBitch] alright then, stay in your damn bed. hope you fail all your classes.

[Shitty Hair] Reverse Card!

[Shitty Hair]

[Charger] mega oof 🤠

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[Charger] mega oof 🤠

Spongebob Narrator Voice: 1 hr later.

[Shitty Hair] look im up!

[BakuBitch] hey shark-week you got like 25 minutes to get ready.

[BakuBitch] even dunce-face is up.

[Charger] Yeh beat you to it Kirishima!

[Shitty Hair] I came here to have a good time and i honestly feel so attacked rn

[Pepto Bismol] thats tough 😔

[Tape Dispenser] did we have a test today? Cause if so i ain do it.

[Pepto Bismol] oh shiiiete we betterbn not om g!

[BakuBitch] yes we did.

[Charger] i-

[Charger] i still see the shadows in my room- 😤👊🏼

[BakuBitch] feels bad. 🤷🏼‍♂️


[BakuBitch] hmm. cause i didnt want to, hair for brains.

[Pepto Bismol] I cant believe Bakuboy had the audacity to do that to kiribaby!

[Tape Dispenser] I know. How will Kirishima recover? The world may never know...

[BakuBitch] how bout you shut the fuck up, flex tape.

[Shitty Hair] Omg. I-

[Charger] I👏🏼CAN👏🏼 N O T!

[Shitty Hair] Well i lived a good life. Lets hope i can just guess and get at least a good score.

[Tape Dispenser] Cant Relate.

[Pepto Bismol] 🍊 mood.

[Tape Dispenser] I think ill just yeet myself of the roof. Thats better than failing a math Test.

[Charger] you doin okay buddy boi?

[Tape Dispenser] No i am not👊🏼

[Pepto Bismol] Sero sweetie. Lets not think n e g a t i v e but p o s i t i v e!

[BakuBitch] positive? never heard of her.

[Tape Dispenser] You and me both Bakugou.

[Shitty Hair] omi gosh!! im gonna fail!!!!!

[Charger] you and me both buddy

[Pepto Bismol] Haha

{ Okay! Thanks for reading. Also sorry for taking like 2 weeks to update. Hope you enjoyed. :)}

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